Laptop shutdowns automatically without me doing anything

Jul 16, 2011
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First of all, let me just inform you that I own this laptop since 2008.
Now the first thing that any would think about this issue is overheating problems and you might be correct because up until one month ago I never cleaned my laptop from the inside, I even bought a new hint sink because someone recommended me to do that but the problem still lasts.
Is there anything I could do or is this just signs that my laptop is dying?
Jul 10, 2014
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Did you fit the new heatsink correctly? Used thermal compound? Plugged the fan back in?

Get HWinfo and check the temperature of the components.
Jul 16, 2011
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Did you fit the new heatsink correctly? Used thermal compound? Plugged the fan back in?

Get HWinfo and check the temperature of the components.
I didn't do nothing, a professional did it for me so I'm pretty sure his work was done correctly. Here's the temperature of the components, everything seems fine to me.


Jul 10, 2014
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Run check disk to check for any hard drive issues. Open CMD and type in "chkdsk" and show the results on here.
Jul 16, 2011
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Run check disk to check for any hard drive issues. Open CMD and type in "chkdsk" and show the results on here.
It said that it detected one error on $I30 table of contents of file 58484 and it couldn't finish the scan on "Read Only" mode.


Jul 10, 2014
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Oh, type cmd and then right click on it and select "Run as administrator". See what happens.

When you say it shuts down, do you mean it crashes or does it actually go through the shutdown procedure?
Jul 16, 2011
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Oh, type cmd and then right click on it and select "Run as administrator". See what happens.

When you say it shuts down, do you mean it crashes or does it actually go through the shutdown procedure?
I did run it as an Administrator and like I said above, it stopped because it couldn't finish on "Read Only" mode. About the issue in general, it just crashes and if I try to turn it on just after it happening it will happen again and I usually wait a few minutes before turning on my laptop.
For example last night I was watching the Sony Gamescom conference and had my laptop turned on for 6 hours. It was hot definately and when I was going to shut it down it took several minutes to do it so, kind of like it frooze. This morning I was actually expecting the computer to have this problem again because usually my laptop shutdowns in less than 15 seconds and so after just 10minutes of browsing on Youtube without even pushing the computer, it shutdowns just like that.
Jul 10, 2014
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Well, looking at the temps again the graphics chips actually seem very warm, especially the MCP.
Does it crash quicker when running graphic intensive programs like games?

Maybe try getting a cooling pad and using that and see if the problem persists.
Jul 16, 2011
Reaction score
Well, looking at the temps again the graphics chips actually seem very warm, especially the MCP.
Does it crash quicker when running graphic intensive programs like games?

Maybe try getting a cooling pad and using that and see if the problem persists.
I don't do gaming on this laptop since last year, it's an average laptop so I don't even bother with it. Like I said this can crash anytime, it's unexpected, I could just be browsing online or watching youtube videos for this too happen. I haven't used my cooling pad lately since I replaced my heat sink one month ago, they told me that for mow the laptop can cool easily which I doubt now but if it makes that big a difference, sure I willl use it but I don't think that would solve this.


Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score

chkdsk (Check Disk) needs to be run on a restart so that the whole disk can be checked.

  1. Click on the Start button and type in cmd.
  2. In the list you will see cmd.exe.
  3. Right click on Cmd.exe and select "Run as Administrator"
  4. Type in the following chkdsk /r /f (See the image below)
  1. Type in Y and press enter.
  2. Reboot your computer. On the restart chkdsk will check the hard disk for errors.
  3. There will be an event logged.
Event Viewer
  1. Press the Windows Key + R and type in eventvwr
  2. In Event Viewer click on Windows Logs -> Application.
  3. Right click on "Application" and select "Find"
  4. Type in "chkdsk" (without the quotes)
  5. When it finds the event, right click on the event and select Copy -> "Copy Details as Text" and paste it to the forum.

Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
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Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
Nah don't do that. The more input the better for the person needing help. Nobody can think of everything.
Jul 16, 2011
Reaction score
I should stop trying to give advice on here :p
It's not that, obviously I already thought of using a laptop cooler to avoid these overheating problems but I don't think that solution applies to this case. @Shintaro I am going to follow your steps now, will report results in 2/3 hours.
Jul 16, 2011
Reaction score
And here's the results.
A verificar o sistema de ficheiros em C:
O tipo do sistema de ficheiros é NTFS.
A etiqueta do volume é ACER.

Foi agendada uma verificaçao de disco.
O Windows vai agora verificar o disco.

O CHKDSK está a verificar os ficheiros (fase 1 de 5)...
193280 registos de ficheiros processados.

Verificaçao dos ficheiros concluída.
680 registos de ficheiros grandes processados.

0 registos de ficheiros danificados processados.

0 registos EA processados.

67 registos de reanálise processados.

O CHKDSK está a verificar os índices (fase 2 de 5)...
O mapa de bits de índice $I30 do ficheiro 0xe474 está incorrecto.
A corrigir o erro no índice $I30 do ficheiro 58484.
240164 entradas de índice processadas.

Verificaçao dos índices concluída.
O CHKDSK está a analisar os ficheiros nao indexados para restabelecer a ligaçao ao directório original.
A recuperar ficheiro órfao 30389961_1062328544.xml (180296) para o ficheiro de directório 57348.
Nao existe nenhum atributo de nome de ficheiro DOS no ficheiro 0x2c048.
A corrigir pequenos erros do nome de ficheiro do ficheiro 180296.
Nao existe nenhum atributo de nome de ficheiro NTFS no ficheiro 0x2c190.
A corrigir pequenos erros do nome de ficheiro do ficheiro 180624.
4 ficheiros nao indexados processados.

A recuperar ficheiro órfao 30389961_1062328544.back.xml (180647) para o ficheiro de directório 57348.
Nao existe nenhum atributo de nome de ficheiro DOS no ficheiro 0x2c1a7.
A corrigir pequenos erros do nome de ficheiro do ficheiro 180647.
O CHKDSK está a recuperar os ficheiros nao indexados restantes.
1 bytes de descritores de segurança processados.

O CHKDSK está a verificar os descritores de segurança (fase 3 de 5)...
193280 ficheiros de dados processados.

A limpar 909 entradas de índice nao utilizadas do índice $SII do ficheiro 0x9.
A limpar 909 entradas de índice nao utilizadas do índice $SDH do ficheiro 0x9.
A limpar 909 descritores de segurança nao utilizados.
Verificaçao dos descritores de segurança concluída.
23443 bytes USN processados.

O CHKDSK está a verificar o diário USN...
34420320 ficheiros processados.

Verificaçao do diário USN concluída.
O CHKDSK está a verificar os dados do ficheiro (fase 4 de 5)...
193264 clusters livres processados.

Verificaçao dos dados do ficheiro concluída.
O CHKDSK está a verificar o espaço livre (fase 5 de 5)...
60207715 clusters livres processados.

A verificaçao do espaço livre está completa.
A corrigir os erros do atributo BITMAP da tabela de ficheiros principal (MFT).
O CHKDSK descobriu espaço livre marcado como atribuído no mapa de bits
do volume.
O Windows efectuou correcçoes no sistema de ficheiros.

302078975 KB de espaço total em disco.
60881924 KB em 101545 ficheiros.
62072 KB em 23445 índices.
0 KB em sectores danificados.
304115 KB em utilizaçao pelo sistema.
65536 KB ocupados pelo ficheiro de registo.
240830864 KB disponíveis em disco.

4096 bytes em cada unidade de atribuiçao.
75519743 unidades de atribuiçao no disco.
60207716 unidades de atribuiçao disponíveis no disco.

Informaçoes internas:
00 f3 02 00 49 e8 01 00 84 7b 03 00 00 00 00 00 ....I....{......
08 01 00 00 43 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ....C...........
e0 8c 1e 00 50 01 1d 00 b0 1b 1d 00 00 00 1d 00 ....P...........

O Windows terminou a verificaçao do disco.
Espere enquanto o computador reinicia.
Jul 10, 2014
Reaction score
My Portuguese isn't good lol but I'm pretty sure it's saying you have no bad sectors, so the disk should be fine!

Hmm, what else could it be... I still think you should try using your cooling pad for a while to see if it gets better!
Jul 16, 2011
Reaction score
My Portuguese isn't good lol but I'm pretty sure it's saying you have no bad sectors, so the disk should be fine!

Hmm, what else could it be... I still think you should try using your cooling pad for a while to see if it gets better!
Like I said previously, there must be something else that is causing it. Don't you think it's a little wierd that after cleaning my laptop on the inside and replacing the heat sink, this issue still happening? Previously I would understand why even if I was my laptop cooler, there has to be something that I am missing here...
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Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
Please have a look in the following directories for files that end with .dmp
c:\Windows\Live KernelReports\WATCHDOG

If there are any put them in a zip file and post them to the forum.
Jul 16, 2011
Reaction score
Please have a look in the following directories for files that end with .dmp
c:\Windows\Live KernelReports\WATCHDOG

If there are any put them in a zip file and post them to the forum.
c:\Windows\Minidump doesn't exist here and on the other two I didn't found anything.


Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
The next time it happens, go in to event viewer and export the events from the Application folder, put it in a zip file and upload it to the forum.

I'm not sure how I will go, because I don't speak or read Portuguese. I'll do my best anyway.

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