Oct 2, 2014
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I was working on my computer a couple of days ago and had just started updating the nvidia gpu drivers, half way thru the install of the video card drivers my computer crashed and now i cannot get the computer to start up with out bsod. Like the title says the error im getting is

The computer will boot upto the windows loading screen but will crash after that screen goes away, i have tried start up repair at least 5 times, i have tried to use ever system restore point to no avail. When i try and boot the computer into any of the safe modes the computer will just switch to a black screen with the mouse pointer and do nothing else. I have spent the last couple of days looking around for my windows 7 cd and cd keybut haven't been able to find it i tried downloading windows 7 from Microsoft and installing it on a flash drive to try and fix the problem but when ever i try and boot from the flash drive it just gives me a missing boot manager. when i try to do a system restore the program gets almost to the end but then gives me a failure notice.

can someone please help im tearing my hair out trying to figure out how to fix this.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Boot your computer to safe mode and go into Control Panel > Device Manager. Locate the video card you updated and in the "driver" tab choose "roll back driver". Reboot and see if the problem goes away. If so then it's probably best not to use that driver again; either wait for a new one or get one version older.

If that doesn't fix it you will need to zip & post the actual DMP files as well as information about your computer specs and settings. See How to get BSOD assistance.
Last edited:
Oct 2, 2014
Reaction score
I cant get safe mode to work period now when i boot the computer instead of blue screen of death i get the black screen of death, i booted the computer and pressed f8 to get into the advanced part of system start up choose the option start computer in last known stable mode. and now the blue screens are gone but like i said now its black screen and i cant do anything except move my mouse cursor around on the screen.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
To use the W7 ISO from a flash drive you have to make the flash drive bootable and then make sure your USB is before the hard drive in the boot order. Format the flash drive and then use the W7 USB/DVD Download Tool to install the W7 ISO to your flash drive.

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