Sounds as though you have a plug-in adapter which is providing the LPT2 and LPT3. If they're not in use, try disabling them in Device Manager. Also, have you configured the driver for your printer? Sometimes, a printer needs to be told what port to use. You say 'any printer': different printers will often require different drivers.
The Mekon.
Thanks for your thoughts!
The motherboard of this Acer Veriton VM4630G-i7477X pc running Windows 7 Ultimate
with 32GB RAM did
not have even one LPT port. I had 3 very old Okidata laser printers
that were parallel-only so I needed 3 parallel ports.
You are right: I do have a SIIG JJ-E02011-S1 CYBERPARALLEL
I also have a PCI-Express Hot Parallel Port DB25 Card Chipset 2x Dual RS-232 Serial Port
So between these two cards I got the 3 LPT's I needed back in early 2014.
I have config'd printer drivers:
Start > Devices and Printers > Add a printer
and searched for my Okidata models etc.
Re: "Sometimes, a printer needs to be told what port to use."
All these printers
were working for
years - all 3 LPT's were working just fine. I did not
have to set an IRQ or anything. I plugged in the cards, knelt and prayed, and the miracle
happened: they worked!
I don't know when it happened that LPT-1 went down because for the longest time
I wasn't using the (ancient) Okidata OL800 and two OL810's. But one day I tried to use
the LPT-1-Oki and it would not work. Swapping this printer onto LPT-2 and it worked.
So, its not the printer, its an LPT-1 port issue.
(Yes, I am aware that "different printers will often require different drivers"

Another forum advised that I uninstall all LPT's and reboot.
Here's what
that resulted in:
(sigh) now I've got
4 LPT's?? (groan)
The LPT-2 and LPT-3 printers are still working and I use them, but LPT-1 is dead.
I have
no clue about LPT-4 !
I've tried uninstalling LPT-4 and rebooting: it comes back.
I tried uninstalling LPT-1 and rebooting: again, all 4 LPT's came back.
With this expanded background and new information, what do you suggest?