trying to download windows 7 ultimate ISO and for the life of me I can't find a ISO software to work

Aug 28, 2016
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Currently I have Vista as my operating system and it won't reconize roxio, nero, and everything else, ultra ISO etc. appears to be outdated to the point where I can't get enough people seeding to get it to come over through the torrent I am using. Once I get 7 I may pay what it takes to get to 10 but every step along the way I am trying to avoid any suggestions.

Thanks in advance...


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
To burn the iso to a dvd it should be as simple as dragging the iso into the window of your burning software and hitting the burn button. Have you verified the hash of the ISO you received; maybe the ISO file is corrupt?

We have a link to IMGBurn in our freeware DB, it should work as I indicated if your ISO is valid.

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