Gpedit.msc, is a convenient graphical interface to the registry. You can edit the registry direct, if you feel capable
.Make a backup of your registry before proceeding, we can all mistype!
Try this.
Open “regedit” (run as administrator.)
Scroll to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control and double click
WaitToKillServiceTimeout entry on the right side and change its value to 5000 - NO lower.
3.Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop , right click "DeskTop "and create a new Keyon the right pane create new string value named
WaitToKillAppTimeout and give its value as 5000.If that string already exists then double click it and enter its value also, as 5000.
Please don’t enter any lower values as the programs need a minimum to close.
Restart your Computer for changes to take affect see if there is an improvement.
You can also create a command line shortcut on your desktop:.
shutdown /f /s /t 0