Problem with Easy Transfer-Not so easy it seems

Oct 19, 2011
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I have a Dell desktop running 32-bit XP. I have just bought a copy of Windows 7 to upgrade it so sharing with my laptop, etc. will be easier.

I've run the system check, and was attempting to download Easy Transfer from the site:

I get the normal "run" screen, followed by a "cannot authenticate the publisher" screen, and push through those, only to get an error screen that says:

C:\Documents and settings\myname\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\2IWPUYGI\wet7xp_x86[1].exe is not a valid win32 application.

When I hit "OK" to that the download ends and I get the Download Confirmation page:

But I cannot find Easy Transfer anywhere on my computer, so I don't think it was actually downloaded, and so it appears I am "stuck" (pardon the tech jargon) at this stage and unsure how to proceed.

I am not super tech-skilled, and so I am looking for an incredibly simple solution/answer. I have already backed up my files on a WD My Book, and so I have the documents/spreadsheets/music/photos on that, so I guess that leaves me with unknown options:

1) Go ahead and load Windows 7 w/o having Easy Transfer, but I don't know enough about 7 to be sure I can pull the data out of the WD My Book w/o having saved it to Easy Transfer (the Upgrading from Windows XP to Windows 7 PDF doesn't indicate other methods of saving/restoring the data)

2) Find a fix/work-around to the error message I'm getting with Easy Transfer (which I have no idea how to accomplish)

3) Something else entirely.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
You might try downloading it from HERE. It should be the same but it's possible you are getting a damaged copy of the program (the .exe).

Download the file using "save as" to your download folder (rather than using run). Once the download completes then try running the exe from your download folder.

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