Problem Retrieving Backup

Feb 2, 2012
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I have an external backup HD which is labeled "F" drive. My Main HD is split "C" and "G"' drive. G drive is only used to store backups of my files from my MS Office program like Word & Excell, My pictures, My Movies, My Music or anything important that I would want to save ongoing.

The problem: I had a shortcut on my desktop of the G drive that was dumped accidentally, now I have managed to get most all info back from the recycle bin and other places but I still haven't been able to get My Pictures or My Video Files & some other files back.

Now If I look into my Ext Backup "F" drive I cans see the backup of my C and G drives. Looking at the G files backup I see all the folders / files of the old "G" drive, so I see every single file I had but I can only select them. I cant see what is inside the individual folders like my picture file etc or how large they are. I can only select them to reload. I don’t know how large the file or the backup is in 'GB', Is there any way I can get that G backup file to another drive where I could work with it since in its current state I cannot open it to see what is in there. I have a drive in another PC that I could move the backup to from my external HD (F) which is portable. I could even split F which is 1 TB and load that backup into the new partition.

Ideally I would like to get the old backup into another partition say a "Z" drive so I could open both drives on my Desktop and cross reference every item on the new "Z" & the rebuilt 'G' HD to make sure I have not missed something I would like to have back. looking for any ideas, help to solve this issue.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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It sounds like you have a good deal of free space so size-wise your movies are likely the most significant chunk. If you can restore the movies folder first and delete all the duplicates then move on to the music deleting all dups space users, then finally, everything else, you can probably get it all done right on your G: where they came from in the first place.

Or if you simply move everything off of G: that is there now, then you can restore the entire G: backup back onto G: and simply compare what you moved with the newly restored G:
Feb 2, 2012
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Thanks, that is what I'm going to do. Just got a 2TB WD to do all that & I will reformat my G: drive. Thanks

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