Need ideas for a training/seminar!

Nov 14, 2013
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Our department's supervisor is going to retire late this year. I'm one of the two candidates that can possibly be chosen for that position. I've worked hard to get to where I am now, that is, department manager. I've worked lots of late hours, sometimes unpaid, just to make sure that my work is of the best quality and quantity.

The other department manager and I are being given a month to prepare for a training/seminar for the other department supervisors and managers.The group that we will be instructing has been divided into two. So that's one for the other manager and one for me. It wasn't specifically said that this will affect who will get the department supervisor position but still I really want to do my best.

Have I mentioned that I work in the HR department that's why we're in charge of the training, seminars and workshops?

Well anyway, my problem now is how I can make this seminar really worthwhile and memorable for the group that I will be instructing. What do you think is the best way to make presentations? Is it better if we hold the seminar outdoors or just stick with the conference room? Any suggestions, tips, advice?

Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to your replies.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Unless the purpose of the seminar is to discuss farming or outdoor art or forestry then it is probably best to keep your conference inside. The purpose is to teach "whatever" and that is done best if other distractions are kept to a minimum.
Feb 26, 2015
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Depends on the content and the audience.

I am also in-charge of the training related concerns in our company. The actual presentation and what usually happens before that such as research, surveys and materials. I am in contact with a consultant who helps me in every step to ensure that everything falls into place. I am confident to do it on my own but a little reinforcement is not a bad idea after all. The down side is that it has additional cost of course. But you may consider talking to consultants/providers too if there is an opportunity.
Nov 14, 2013
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LOL I forgot to say that it's about being an effective leader and superior. I also get the point about the outdoors being unpredictable and distracting.

Do you think it's a good idea to use something like this one. I found them online when I was looking for tips. Do you think it'll be effective or maybe I should just make my own presentation and everything?
What about games? Our department supervisor never really liked playing games during seminars but I'd love to play some. Do you think it's childish?

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