SOLVED Need ASMedia USB 3 Host Controller Drivers?

Jul 26, 2013
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Where can I find the ASMedia USB 3 Host Controller Drivers? Is there a website I can download it from? Or can I find it on my computer?
I have Windows 7 64 bit. My motherboard is an Asus (P8P67 LE).
When I try to restore my image backup from my W7 boot CD it just don't recognize my USB 3 external drive!
If someone could help me I would much appreciate it.
Jul 26, 2013
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Still looking for the drivers in question

Thanks Core for your reply to my post. I tried the drivers that you posted but they don't work.
The problem is that I need to load the USB 3 external drive drivers while am in boot mode from the W7 backup boot CD. Then I will be able to see the drive in question! As of now my bios can't see the image on my external drive so I can't restore my image!

Does anyone else had that problem? If so, please let me know how you solve that issue?

Jan 2, 2011
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Hello ~

I'm going take a shot here at this ... I MAY be TOTALLY "off base" but I'll give it a shot anyway :)

When you say "in boot mode" are you meaning during NORMAL "P.O.S.T." and the drive is not being recognized


If you boot to CD-ROM setting in BIOS

Is your External Drive NOT showing in your device manager ??? (the drivers should fix that issue)


Are you trying to boot from the external ??

IF it is not showing in BIOS as a drive .. you MAY have to update your BIOS .. to get it to be recognized..

I do know, that when I built my system (sans an external) I had to update my BIOS at one point to get the drivers for a SATA INTERNAL drive.

I have an ASUS Motherboard as well .. ill have to check and see if my external shows in my BIOS ..

Will update this post when I get done checking.

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Jan 2, 2011
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I checked MY BIOS .. and my External(Western Digital) does show as a POTENTIAL boot device ..

I don't have an Image/OS on that drive however, it's more for general Data Back-Up...

I'm wondering if you MAY have to update your BIOS to get that Drive to appear as a "Boot Device" (if that's what you are looking to do)

This link has BIOS updates listed.. most recent being the 19th of THIS MONTH .. as well as some BIOS utilities.

Again I'm just "spitballing" here .. but it might be something to look into.

Good luck.
Jul 26, 2013
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Hi lonewolfmage

I made a backup image while I was in windows of my C drive.
That backup image was save to my USB 3 external drive.
Now I also made a W7 boot cd that allowed me to restarted my computer press Delete & boot to the CD. The CD loads the file needed to restore my backup image BUT the problem is that when it search for my USB 3 external drive it CAN'T find it!
There is an option by clicking "load drivers" that will allowed the computer to see my USB 3 Drive!!! That is the drivers am looking for.
I have an Asus motherboard P8P67 LE & in the manual it says that the company that is for my USB 3 controller is ASMedia.
I been searching the internet to find the drivers in question but not even Asus have them on there site. They only have the ones that you load while in windows.
Hope this clarifies my problem.
Jan 2, 2011
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Just to get more clarity.

When you made the "Backup image" what software did you use to make the image ?? Did you use the "built in " Windows software .. or a 3rd party software ? If the latter of the 2 you will need to have that 3rd party software to get at that image ..

Your Windows 7 Cd .. is it an ORIGINAL copy .. or a "ISO burn" ?

What is the Make/Model of you USB external ??

That link I posted ALSO has the USB 3.0 drivers.

You may ALSO want to check to make sure your Chipset drivers(as well as other drivers) are up to date .. (which are ALSO included in that link.)

Good Luck.
Jul 26, 2013
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There is no 3rd party software. I made the image from W7.
When I finish installing windows it automatically ask if I want to make a backup?
W7 copies the backup to my USB 3 external drive.
W7 also ask me if I want to make a boot cd? W7 burns the boot files to a CD that I use to restart my computer & boot to it.
Now my external drive enclosure is an NexStar CX with a Western Digital WD Black WD1502FAEX 1.5TB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive.

Yesterday I also updated my BIOS to the latest bios file 3703. I also try to boot to the W7 boot CD that w7 made & It still can't see the USB 3 drive.

Jan 2, 2011
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You said "Now my external drive enclosure is an NexStar CX with a Western Digital WD Black WD1502FAEX 1.5TB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive."

Since you said this .. you MAY have to go and get the drivers for that enclosure .. if any are available .. since you are taking a SATA DRIVE and using it as an external..

From doing a Google search on the brand .. it seems as though it's made by Vantech (product link) ***EDIT** There is a driver link on that page its a direct download as a zip file *** End edit**

The only other thing I can suggest is taking the drive (temporally) out of the enclosure and installing it into you case .. that is IF you have the SATA port to do so .. and restoring the image that way. And after ward putting the drive back into the enclosure..

GRANTED .. its a long way around and seems "counter productive" but it MAY BE the only other way to do it .. THAT I CAN THINK OF . Maybe someon else can come up with a better/easier way

**Full disclosure**
I'll be honest I didn't look into the EXACT specs of your again I'm just "spitballing" here .

Hope that helps.
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^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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lonewolfmage, I don't believe the issue is his enclosure, the problem is he needs the drivers for his motherboard to make it even support the USB 3.0 ports, but the only drivers ASUS offers are windows 7 drivers and the boot disc he created doesn't boot to Windows 7.

regent, I think the easiest thing would be to install Windows 7 from DVD or Flash drive, then you will be able to use the ASUS USB 3.0 drivers. At that point you can access your image and restore.
Jul 26, 2013
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Hi TrainableMan

The problem is not that can't boot to w7.
The problem is I can't see (or recognize) the USB 3 external drive which as my image on it!

I can boot with the W7 boot Cd that I created. (NOT the W7 Operating System installing CD).

The W7 boot Cd allowed me to restart my computer & boot after POST so that it (the CD) can install the files it need to be able to see my image on my USB 3 external drive!
But because I don't have the ASMedia driver to load & install I can't see the image.
Jan 2, 2011
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Here's another "spit ball" (so to speak)

You mentioned ASMEDIA

I did a Google search.. and came up with this for drivers and firmware... LINK

Not sure if any of those will help or not ..

** NOTE.. NOT RESPONSIBLE for what is contained in the links I am providing .. its just what I have found are using the links and the information provided at your own risk. I do my best to make sure any links I provide are virus and malware free**



^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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The driver ASUS provides installs under W7, so your best bet is to install W7 (your boot CD is apparently not good enough), then install the driver, and then you can access your image.
Jan 2, 2011
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Driver Note

TM ~

I will say you are correct when you said : " then install the driver, and then you can access your image."

And II will agree that's what it seems need to be done ..


DO NOT get the drivers from MS UPDATE .. get the drivers DIRECT from ASUS ,,,it will save ALOT OF possible 'headaches' ..

I will say however I still think IMHO that it DOES have to do with the drivers for the enclosure specifically .. since Regent CAN boot to windows ..

Its just a matter of being able to "see the drive"

Hence my suggestion for updates .. driver for enclosure, Asus Driver, which has the chipset and MoBo drivers they may need direct from the web site.

All ( or most of which) are down loadable and ran direct within windows.

Since they said the BIOS is up to date the suggestion to update the BIOS is " moot"at this point .. I gave is "moot"


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Booting to windows doesn't mean you can see everything. I'm pretty sure USB 3.0 support is not native to W7 so without the drivers to make the motherboard USB 3.0 ports function he will never see anything plugged into them. It is possible he may need yet another driver for the external HD in the enclosure but Regent hasn't said it even sees the device is attached.
Jan 2, 2011
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I did some research regarding "native" USB support in Win 7. It SEEMS that some have had some good luck with it "direct out of the box" other have said that it takes the service pack .

The opinions are "across the board" depending on where you look. Some say yes .. some say no.

I'm guessing it depends on the device itself.

Either way it SEEMS as though drivers are needed one way or another.

Hence why, I advised that he get the full compliment of Drivers from the Asus site. As well as the drivers for the enclosure itself. Since he is using an INTERNAL drive as an external using an enclosure.

However, I THINK (I may be wrong) that even IF he plugs the device in to a 2.x port(if he has one available) it SHOULD "backward compatible" and he SHOULD be able to see the drive.

Jul 26, 2013
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Thanks LoneWolf for your help.
Your right if I plugs it into my USB 2 port it will work but I will lose the speed!

I guess this is what I have to do!
Jan 2, 2011
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that Will ALSO depend...

Yes you will lose speed .. that is an obvious given ..... (USB 3.) has been tested time and time again to be about 2 to 3 times as faster as USB 2.0 which is also system dependent)

BUT that also will depend on WHAT you are transferring..

Since you said its a System image file.. it MIGHT .. (much like when burning a CD/DVD) to go at a slower speed so as to keep errors at a minimum. ....

But again I still will reiterate.. see if you can get the drivers from the links I posted earlier in this thread.. and see if they help .

I'm willing to be they will ..
Jul 26, 2013
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Hi LoneWolf

I talk to Asus about my problem & we where able to solve it. When I boot to my w7 backup restore CD I needed to load two drivers file from my flash drive!I needed to load the Generic USB Hub & one of the ASMedia XHCI Controller drivers! then click load & the image on the USB 3 drive showed up!
Now I have the USB 3 speed when the image is restore!
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