my audio device is diabled

Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
I have a baffling problem with the Windows audio service. All of the parts appear to be "working properly" with two exceptions:

1. The little speaker icon in the taskbar has the red-circled X and the info balloon says "No speakers or headphones are plugged in" and, when I select troubleshoot, the finding is that the audio device is turned off.

2. In Control Panel, selecting Adjust system volume produces an empty dialogue box with the words "No audio device is installed" and a pop-up menu with "Speakers (RealTek High-Definition Audio)" and "RealTek Digital Output ((RealTek High-Definition Audio)"

The driver is the latest version downloaded from Gigabyte's site yesterday. RealTek Sound Manager recognizes that my headphones are plugged into the front panel jack and says everything is okay. Device manager indicates that all devices are operating properly. All devices are enabled. All of the necessary services appear to be running.

But. No audio is available. I did have audio until recently but apparently something was changed. Not sure what.

Any insight would be most appreciated.

Jun 13, 2011
Reaction score
download from realtek website the driver. it will ask for you to save it. after save, close web browser and double click saved file and install wizard will extrack files and install. then reboot to finish install.
i like the newer version, has equalizer to taylor the music.
the download will be the r2.82


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
You said it "used to work" so you might consider a system restore to a point before the trouble.

Start - Search box ... type in System restore. Follow the prompts, selecting a restore point prior to the problem. Note you can try this again so if you aren't sure and it doesn't work then go back a little further and try again.

NOTE: You may have to check the box beside "show more restore points" to go back even further.
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
i sggest u to get an 3D Audio Sound USB Card instead. It will cost only$0.99 only .

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