SOLVED Media Player sound problem after Windows update....


Mar 24, 2013
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on a Dell 9000 12 G ram i7 cpu Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

I lost all sound after the 3-20-13 Windows update and immediately I get error "C00D11B1" if I try to play music and YouTube sound is gone, both of which were working fine before the update ran it self. Tried all the MS suggestions on that error codes page. Windows says the sound card is working and there are no new drivers for it, it is a Creative SB x-fi. No new drivers on their site. Tried the "regsvr32 mswinsck.ocx etc. ideas on other sites. Can not get "CurrentDatabase_372" file to delete, claims it is in use, but Task Manager show nothing running. (
On this form I read the thread "
Media Player 12 playback problems" from 2010 and tried all those ideas, I can not even get that VPN program to make a sound. Added Codec's from 3-4 places.
When I Googled "
C00D11B1" and limit it to the last week I get 5 pages of hits so I really think the problem is new with the update but I'll try anything..... Any way to re install Media Player??
Thanks, Edward


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Just because there are no new drivers on the Creative site doesn't mean you didn't get a new driver installed. Unfortunately sometimes the wrong driver update gets installed from Recommended Windows Updates.

Go to Control Panel > Device Manager and see if you can Rollback to a previous driver on your soundcard. If that works then uncheck "treat recommended updates the same as critical updates" in Windows Update settings and instead take the responsibility to check once a month or so to only install what you need.
Likely the driver will return to the recommended list (when it notices it is no longer installed) and you should avoid it or even right-click and choose "hide update".
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Mar 24, 2013
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That worked! Thank you!!!

Hello TrainableMan,
You nailed it! Thank you very much! I wasted days on this issue. Interestingly Creative has this card as "End of Life" and no support, so why would MS even be thinking of it??? For the people with this problem: The 3-20-13 MS update installed driver ver. from 7/7/2010 (which does not work) and I rolled it back to ver 6.1.7601.17514 from 11-19-2010 which works.
Thanks, Edward


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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I think the problem is that sometimes IDs in the components are very similar or incomplete and so occasionally Windows Update gives you a driver for the wrong device; compared to the number of W7 OS installations the number of mistakes is quite small but for those few, like yourself, it is frustrating.

And because it is so random and sudden I recommend everyone disable automatic receipt of recommended Windows updates. In your case, if you do not disable the Win update setting from get recommended, then the problem will likely return.

I have marked this as Solved.
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