Issues with permissions, installation, and documents.

Sep 17, 2013
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Okay so recently I had an issue with my computer, had some pretty nasty virus on it which even ended in having to do a restore install of windows. After I restored windows, got rid of the virus, and came back it went back to a previous version of my windows. Ever since then I've been having a number of problems.

1) The uninstall program feature doesn't work most the time, says that it might not be installed properly.

2) I can't create any new file with MS paint, OpenOffice, Notepad, or Word. Says "Unable to create new document." Also says this if I try and open these programs or use them to open a file. I went onto a computer that's still using XP and took it's Wordpad and MS Paint, I can use these to open documents just fine. Can create documents, save them, all of that, but can't set these programs as my defaults. Also, my GIMP still works fine.

3) I can't install new programs.
Issues with my computer.PNG
In window marked 1 you see that the folder is there and the Silverlight.msi is in it. Window 2 is a message I get anytime I try to install Silverlight, Skype, or just about any other program. Window 3 is what happens when I use the browse feature and click the Silverlight.msi then hit okay. I've tried taking ownership of the folder, tried changing it's permissions, changed it from read-only. I'm at a loss.

4) Much of my computer when I tried to access it with my administrator account said "Access Denied" and had either TrustedInstaller, System, or CREATOR OWNER as the owner of the folder. I can change ownership and afterwards change permissions. Neither of these three which are shown as user accounts can be found on my computer.

Can somebody please help?


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
With all those issues I suggest you back up your data and then completely reinstall W7. Not a restore, a complete reinstall.
Sep 16, 2013
Reaction score
With all those issues I suggest you back up your data and then completely reinstall W7. Not a restore, a complete reinstall.
I Would Agree With TrainableMan.

it will be the right thing to do, as from the looks of it, your system is corrupted, and will take way too long a time to get in order.

best way, backup data, and fresh install.

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