Installed new Hardrive in my hp laptop

Sep 30, 2013
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My laptop came with Win 8 and after 3 months I am tired of trying to get "used to it" so I am trying to install a brand new disc of Win 7 Home Premium never used anywhere before today. I went into the BIOS and changed the boot startup to read from the optical drive. I also changed it from secure boot to non secure so it could see the disc. It seems to be loading up to a point.
It sees the disc and says to press any key to boot from CD and then the bar along the bottom of the screen fills in loading files and it takes about 30 seconds for this to finish. Then the windows flag assembles itself in the center of the screen. I can still hear the drive turning at this time. After about 30 seconds it stops turning and on the screen it just says "Starting Windows" and nothing happens, it goes no further. I have given this an ample amount of time and it never gets any further than this screen. I have tried this several times with the same result each time.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance....


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Well first you should make sure drivers are available for Windows 7 to run your computer components otherwise you will get nowhere fast.

But anyway, you should first make sure secure boot is disabled. See this video (you can jump to 3:05) to see the information on secure boot.
Sep 30, 2013
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Thank you for the link, I made that discovery when trying to get the computer to recognize the disc in the first place. Secure logon is disabled and the CDROM sits at the top of the tree. The problem I am having is that after loading the files from the disc the screen has a "Windows Starting" banner across it but it never starts. It should be going to the language select drop down but nothing ever happens. I can't load any drivers yet because I don't have windows loaded.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
You might try the media refresh version of the W7 Installation DVD (W7 SP1-U). There was a rare issue trying to install W7 SP1 on a very small percentage of computers that the media refresh version fixed; obviously I can't know that is your issue but you might try it to see. (W7 SP1-U)

Also how big is your hard drive because I seem to recall an issue installing on HDs 2TB+.
Sep 30, 2013
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My new HD is one TB...I'll try the media refresh version of the W7 Installation DVD once I figure out what it is,
thanks again...

You might try the media refresh version of the W7 Installation DVD (W7 SP1-U). There was a rare issue trying to install W7 SP1 on a very small percentage of computers that the media refresh version fixed; obviously I can't know that is your issue but you might try it to see. (W7 SP1-U)

Also how big is your hard drive because I seem to recall an issue installing on HDs 2TB+.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
The links are simply to the digital download version. You download it and burn it to a DVD (must use software like IMGBurn that understands what an ISO is) then boot to that DVD and install W7.

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