How to access Global Administartor Account in Windows 7


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
This is a well publicised idea, but, I was reading a new post today on the subject, and though it had obviously been copied from a Vista site somewhere, it was appallingly complicated. But on a search, I was surprised to find that we did not have it on our own pages, so:

There are a couple of ways:

1. Open a command prompt(Run as Administrator.
Type the following command and enter.
net user administrator /active
Log out and see if you have a new alternative login, as well as your existing one. If not, do it the long way.

2. Shut down the computer for a cold boot. Tap the "F8" key as you are booting.
Select "Safe Mode with networking" from the boot menu.
Log into windows 7 with your personal account that holds the administrator access.
Open a command window (START--->RUN--->CMD.exe). At the command prompt type the following
net user administrator /active
Log out and log back in as administrator.

3. Go to Start
Type Control UserPasswords2.
Click Advanced.
Click Advanced again.
Select Users.
Select Administrator and untick the the box “Administrator is disabled
Now log out and login as Administrator.
The action leaves you a little more vulnerable to outside attack, if you are only using Microsoft protection.. Not a big issue if you are confident with your third party anti virus control etc.

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