Computer Freezing

Feb 13, 2011
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On the advice of TrainableMan I'm starting a new thread about this problem.

Computer Specs are attached. This is a new computer so it leads me to believe that it may be a Microsoft Win7 operating system software problem. I have never had this problem with VISTA or XP.

Basically the problem is that I get a few random freezes notably when watching Media player (this is when it most commonly happens but not always). Has happened in the past when the computer tries to go into sleep mode.

What have I tried:

1) Made sure that my RAM timings are correct.
2) Running the basic windows 7 desktop without any fancy add ons.
3) Removed any superfluous apps like icon position savers.
4) I have tried numerous settings for the advanced sleep functions. (I have the computer going into sleep mode after 20 mins).
5).I have no antivirus software but only Windows Defender.
6). I have SP1 installed.
7). I have kept up to date with all the latest drivers for BIOS, Graphics card, Sound drivers etc.

Any help would be appreciated.


Last edited:
May 7, 2010
Reaction score
You've either got a virus or your driver's need to be updated. First download Microsoft Security Essentials from this link . It's free and provides active protection. After it's installed and updated run a Full Scan. Now go to and download, install and update Malwarebytes' AntiMalware free. Also download, install and update SUPERAntiSpyware free from . After you have Malwarebytes' and SUPERAntiSpyware installed and updated, restart your pc and keep pressing the F8 key on your keyboard. Select Safe Mode and hit the Enter key on your keyboard. Once in Safe Mode run Full Scan's with both Malwarebytes' and SUPERAntiSpyware. Let both program's remove any threat's they find. If that doesn't solve the problem, run Windows Update to make sure Windows is up to date and then search for updated driver's for your pc. You can also double-click on Computer, right-click on C:, select Properties, Tools, click on Check Now near Error Checking, put a check mark on both boxes in the window that pop's up,click on Start and let Windows schedule Check Disk to run on next startup, now restart your pc and let CheckDisk go to work.
Feb 13, 2011
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Ok, My drivers are updated so it must be a virus.

Can you please confirm which drivers I should have checked to be updated (just to be certain!)

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May 7, 2010
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1: Go to your motherboard manufacturer's site and make sure you have the current driver's for your motherboard (i/e:chipset,etc.), If your board has any Realtek driver's for LAN or Audio go to & check . Go to http://[URL=""][/URL] or and check to see you have updated video card driver's. Also, Java was updated yesterday Get the current version at . If you use the Opera web browser, it was also updated yesterday. Get it at . Also double check that Adobe's Flash Player is up to date. Here's Adobe's link's : & . Also get and install SecuniaPSI . It scan'syour pc and let's you know if any of your software has update's or vulnerabilities. Get it at this link :


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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When you say freezing is it locked up where you have to reboot or just that it slows down and then resumes? If you have to reboot then make sure your computer is set for memory dumps and then see if maybe there are some DMP files you can include.

Sleep mode issues are common. You should check your ACPI BIOS settings. Check Advanced power options, maybe try High Performance. And also check Device Manager and maybe prevent some items from going to sleep.

First off, if you are streaming these videos from the web then delays are very common, especially if you live in an area with lower internet bandwidth; but even people with rocking throughput can find delays if the server supplying the stream is overloaded or limiting bandwidth.

Locally stored Videos still require a good deal of processing power so it is not unusual for them to slow down if your computer is also performing some of the many automatic updates including windows updates, AV updates, java updates, ccleaner, windows media center, etc in the background. What you may wish to do is monitor program & internet traffic with something like Process Explorer & TCPView to see if your computer is busy running other things. See our Freeware DB for links to these apps

And you might also install malwarebytes and run it manually once a week or so as a secondary virus protection. Find links to it in the Freeware DB as well.
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Feb 13, 2011
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The computer freezes whereby I have no use of the mouse or keyboard. The only thing remaining is to reboot by pressing the reset button.

I have it set to create dump files but technically it is not a BSOD so no .dmp files are produced on the freeze.

You mention - "Locally stored Videos still require a good deal of processing power so it is not unusual for them to slow down if your computer is also some of the many automatic updates including windows updates, AV updates, java updates, ccleaner, windows media center, etc in the background. What you may wish to do is monitor program & internet traffic with something like Process Explorer & TCPView to see if your computer is busy running other things."

I have never had this problem before when running similar apps with less a less powerful computer. Given my CPU and graphics card I wouldn't expect to have these issues!!



OCing one chip at a time
May 11, 2009
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Well, in a situation like this where it is a self-built PC I'd personally use a stability checker to verify the system was stable. Even in cases where ya follow the labels and manuals exactly, some hardware just might not play well together or a setting might've been overlooked. Hard freezes tend to indicate a hardware issue more often than not.

The stress test built into Prime95 is one, wihile OCCT, LinX, and AIDA64 are others. AIDA64 is the only one not free, it comes with Everest.

Find one and read up a bit about it if you need to, and make sure you are monitoring your processor's core temps with another program (Realtemp, Coretemp, etc) before you begin. I'd let a program like Prime95 run for an hour. OCCT has a version of FurMark built into it... either one can also stress test your GPU. If the CPU check passes without a problem I'd move onto checking the GPU, but again make sure to monitor the hardware temps closely. Twenty minutes is generally good enough for a stock-clocked GPU. Don't let any temps reach 100c, if they do then your hardware is not being cooled properly.
Feb 13, 2011
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Hi Cougar,

I overlooked to say that I have already done stress tests with OCCT and tested CPU and GPU. Both look OK. CPU and GPU temps and well within limits when stressed. No errors. RAM timing has been checked. Also, the computer was built by 'Computer Planet' who assure me that they tested the computer before sending it to me!!

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Feb 13, 2011
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Hello, I might be completely wrong about this but I have noticed that I get freezes when I have 'Steam' running in the background. Steam always does a sync when it shuts down. So, I think what might be happening is that when the computer tries to sleep steam cannot do a sync and this is the cause of the problem.

I have been making sure that Steam is not running in the background and I shut it down when not needed. I have not had any freezes when I have done this!!

But I might be completely wrong though.

Are there any known issues with Steam?


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