windows 7 PLAIN/SOLID color themes, please help how hard can this be??

Dec 17, 2011
Reaction score
Please kindly advise me where I can get themepack themes (so no 3rd party ones) based on the windows 7 basic theme or based on the windows areo theme where the coloring is solid and non-patterned.

I know in the advanced windows color menu you can untick the tranparancy but in the color there is still a glow effect/shining in it... if you look at the attached pic (with red arrow) which is part of my modzilla browser you see a lining, I just would like plain solid coloring blue-grey whatever but no patterns in it.

How hard can this be? You d think it is easy but I cant find any except for going back to windows classic. only windows 7 basic comes in the baby blue color and I thus would like more...........

anybody can help me? I find thousands of windows 7 areo themes on the web but to me they are all not suited by the fact they are areo and part see through plus multicoloured it just looks tacky and unprofessional........

many thanks for feedback in advance,


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^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
I believe it's called Aero Glass for a reason ...

If you don't mind doing without Aero then scroll to the bottom of Control Panel > Personalization and pick the basic or classic themes.

Or if you are into some major tinkering you might check out THIS
Dec 17, 2011
Reaction score
the aero glass themes do come with more modern feautures, the font is slightly better, it s faster in performance, download notification is rooted in the 'open' application button in the taskbar all slight improvmenets......therefor I appreciate the overall theme but just not the coloring.

with basic and classic are basic and classic................somebody right on said it in yr link: Yes, but the classic view is horrible, you have to sacrifice everything else and that like using a bazooka to kill a fly. I want a nice theme...
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