Are you talking about running a program in compatibility mode? If so, that's quite simple. If the icon (or shortcut) is located on your desktop, right click on the item and in the context menu and choose 'Properties'.
Click on the Compatibility' tab. Check the box that says "Run this program in compatibility mode for" and then in the drop down box, select "Windows XP".
Click Ok, and you're done. Post back if this is not what you're looking for.
Thanks for the response T, but no, no the simple issue of program & OS compatibility is not what is creating my lack of system capacity. My problem is an app program(in truth
several) designed for 32bit CPU processing OS environments that are not covered by the
Windows 7 64bit OS CPU environment and usual backtracking patch OS to OS sys programs. I was advised of the possibility to run Win 7 in XP program compatibility mode
where the 32bit CPU OS is simulated. Tech blogs also advise it is necessary to install
the "Virtual Machine" simulation program to achieve this option. Also on the blogs was info that "Virtual Machine" only works with Professional and Office OS XP editions and not Home Premium - which is, of course, what I have. Continuing the blogs - advise that with uploading and downloading whole systems and off-loading to disk - etc., etc. -
too much work and bother for me entirely! I'm open to further ideas as the 32bit programs are dandies I'd like to use with my very limited (disabled & retired) software
budget. Thanks again for the contact.