Take Ownership of Files and Folders - Discussion


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
It is a nice tutorial.
A long time ago, at the beginning og the Vista testing, I wrapped this up in an automatic .reg file. I do not take credit for it, as several people came up with the same idea. It is now widely distributed on the web. It works the same way in Windows 7.
What this .reg does, is inserts a right click mouse option on any file/folder, you wish to control.
A word of warning to users, some folders in Vista and Windows 7 are not meant to be interfered with (Documents and Settings, for example) To take control of these folders, known as junctions, can have bad consequences.
I have enclosed the .zip, which also includes the undo .reg
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Nov 9, 2009
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Yes. A very useful add on. Maybe too easy to use for the unwary?


That Crazy Amazon Chick!
Jan 17, 2009
Reaction score
Yes. A very useful add on. Maybe too easy to use for the unwary?
Yes, I agree to an extent.

Just using an add-on like this on every file could lead to problems, but on the other hand, I did have one odd file a few weeks ago that flatly refused to allow me to set the prevlidges no matter what I did. So I did a registry backup and used the add-on, and finally got to do what I needed to do with the file.

So I would say, use with caution, on only a file where every other option fails and always do a backup just in case.

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