Startup Repair repeating

Apr 2, 2013
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First I'll start with the Startup Repair codes

Problem Signature:
Problem Event Name: StartupRepairOffline
Problem Signature 01: 6.1.6700.16385
Problem Signature 02: 6.1.6700.16385
Problem Signature 03: unknown
Problem Signature 04: 21201185
Problem Signature 05: ManualRepair
Problem Signature 06: 4
Problem Signature 07: NoBootFailure
OSVersion: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033

From there the computer turns off. Upon turning it on it shows the Inspiron logo than goes to Starting Windows. After that it switches to Setup is updating registry settings. Than Setup is starting services X:\windows\system32\cmd\exe scan runs. It than starts all over and goes through th same process again.

I can get to F8 and F2, 512 screens. However whenever I select something it just goes back to starting windows and does the same process again. I can not get into safe mode. I'll try to provide as much info as I can but have limited computer skills.
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^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
I suggest you try an actual W7 DVD. If you do not have one then use a different computer and download and burn one using the ISO links >>HERE<<. Be sure to get the proper download to match your language, bit-size, and W7 version.

NOTE: it is also possible to burn the W7 ISO to an empty 4GB+ flash drive if you don't have a blank DVD. Read the thread to get links to the DVD tool if you need that instead.

Once you have a bootable W7 DVD (or flash drive), set this computer's boot order so the DVD (or flash drive) is before the hard drive and then boot up to the W7 install. Use the start-up repair option from the DVD (lower left corner of the install screen on mine).

It should repair your boot sector and then you should be able to boot normally. At that point I would check your hard drive to make sure it isn't failing; it may need replaced.
Apr 2, 2013
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By reloading W7 will I lose everything I have saved? Music/Files etc..?


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
You are not reloading it. When you get to the install screen you want to run Repair Startup Files; it is non-destructive so this won't hurt any programs, files or folders. I cannot guarantee that your hard drive is not already damaged, that could be why you are having the problem now and why I said to check it to see if it needs replaced if you do get back in, but this repair won't do any more damage.

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