Here is my problem. Please don't laugh at how gullable i was. I purchased my new HP laptop in March 2009 from Best Buy. In May, it died. Best Buy said the operating system crashed and that I would have to re-purchase windows vista from them. I did so, they had me purchase the upgrade. They installed it on my computer for me. 30 days later a message came up saying it was an unauthorized copy. I took it back to Best Buy and apparently the message came up because I purchased an upgrade copy of vista rather than the full version. They said there is nothing they can do without re-buying a full version of vista and microsoft has said the same. (I did not know that all I had to do to begin with was order the backup disk from HP). My question is this. My computer is still telling me I have an unauthorized version of Vista. The windows 7 upgrade advisor says I only need to purchase the upgrade. I don't want to buy the upgrade and have this same problem however but don't know if I can install the full version with Vista running. Help?