SOLVED Only "debugger user" on Win7? Other accounts can not be activated!

Jan 17, 2011
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Hello everybody!

I am about to run haywire here...
One of our computers is acting up and ... worst case: it is the computer my boss is using

I just noticed that the user account is set to "debugger user". No admin account (deactivated), no guest account (deactivated) and I can not activate any of these accounts... I cannot set up a new account either!
I am stuck here as I cannot install any programs or updates.
Tried everything I can think of to solve that problem (set up new account, switch users, boot in safe mode) nothing works. All I receive is "access denied".

As I don´t have the slightest idea what happened, I am in desperate need of your help. I definitely did NOT change the account settings, nor did my boss (he is sort of computer illiterate
), but something did change the account settings...

Need input badly!
Any suggestions how to solve the problem (preferably without having to install everything anew!) would be more than welcome.

Thanks for your help,
May 7, 2010
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If you have the Windows 7 DVD-rom here's what you can try. Turn the pc on and constantly press the Delete key to get into the B.I.O.S. (Basic Input Output System) click on Advanced Options scroll down to boot order until you get to First Boot Device and hit enter key then scroll down and click on CD/DVD drive. Now hit enter and scroll to Second Boot Device and click Enter key again. Select Hard Drive for this one and hit Enter Key, then Esc key. Now F10 key, then Enter key. When you a Message to hit any key to Boot from CD/DVD, repeatably hit keys. Then select whatever Language shows up on screen and hit Enter key again. Now click on Startup Repair and let it run. This should solve the issue. Now go back into the B.I.O.S. and change the first Boot Device to hard drive and the Second Boot Device to CD/DVD drive.
Jan 17, 2011
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Hi there,
thanks for the reply, this would have been my next step, too.
I do not have a Win7-DVD for this computer, it is a Lenovo and all I have on this one is the (darned) repair-partition.
Would my own Win7-DVD work for startup-repair?
Thanks for your help,
May 7, 2010
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Yes, it should. Just make sure to put the correct one in. x86 for 32 bit Win 7 or x64 for 64 bit Win 7. Another step you may want to try if Startup Repair doesn't work. Start Windows in Safe Mode, by pressing F8 key repeatbly when you turn the pc on. Once in Safe Mode .click the Start orb and type cmd.exe in the lower Search Box. Right-click cmd.exe in the top and select Run As Adminstartor. Now place the Windows dvd-rom in drive and type sfc /scannow in thw command prompt window and hit enter.
Jan 17, 2011
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Hi there!
Thanks for the input!
I will give it a try on Saturday when my boss is not around :)
I know my way around computers quite well but him breathing down my neck is making me nervous ("what are you doing now? Why does it show this message?" Hey, I have to concentrate on what I am doing, as the computer is part of our network and messing up would be... inconvenient, to say the least :eek:)
I´ll keep you posted...
Any more suggestions if this does not work?

May 7, 2010
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Yeah, don't you hate that. Just tell him, he can either leave you alone while you fix it or call someone and pay them $100.00 to fix it. If he's smart he'd leave you alone to fix it.
Jan 17, 2011
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Hi there!
My boss did leave me alone, but unfortunately he still has to pay someone to fix it as none of the things I tried did the trick.
Still "debugger user" only, startup repair did not work either (as it is starting correctly, it is the user accounts that is messed up), I cannot even run the sfc/scannow as there is no admin-account...
So I am looking forward to installing everything anew :p
And don´t I hate it... as he has tons of programs installed... and the computer is part of our network... There goes my weekend...
Do you have any more suggestions how to solve the problem?
Thx for your moral support :)


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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I haven't read all the posts so if you tried this stuff then forgive me, these are thoughts after a brief scan...

Have you ruled out a virus?

I would suspect it is some registry damage, possibly caused by a bad group policy script. I assume the System restore they suggested on Tech Support Forums didn't work so I doubt you have a restore point to try either. A total reinstall is probably safest.

I guess if you are desperate and down to complete reinstall or a "Hail Mary", you might try this [ame="[MEDIA=youtube]iJo7__tp3rg[/MEDIA]"]thing I found on youtube[/ame] using OPHCrack.
Jan 17, 2011
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Hey, there is one guy having the same problem after installing a new graphics driver... This might have happened on this computer, too.
I will give it a try first thing tomorrow morning...
Yes, there are no restore-points, so I am stuck there.
And, yes again, I am desperate, but I rather try a "Hail Mary" and this SAM-thingy
Jan 17, 2011
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Hi, trainable man!
This did the trick!!!
I have "full access" again, admin account is there as well as guest account and my "loser03" is back in working order, too
Thanks-thanks-thanks to you. Maybe the "Hail Mary" helped, too ;-)


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Glad it worked for you.

I went ahead and marked this thread as solved but if you need to reopen it simply go to thread tools.

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