Clifford: The way the blog post and numerous articles currently talking about it, make's it sound like they want our input on how to improve future Windows releases. I have a feeling in a way this current one is to make sure Windows 8, isn't another ME/Vista in everyone's eye's.For instance, if you're a gamer or multimedia enthusiast (i/e: WMC, WMP, videos,etc). You're better of staying with 7. WMC & WMP are the W7 version's. dx get a s.p. update to 11.1. No Start Menu on the Desktop UI. They're going to lose alot of customer's over those thing's. For example Windows 8 Consumer Preview has Media Center, yet, it's so hidden you wouldn't know it. I accidently found it doing a search for Media Player. After 2 minutes WMC popped up in the results. However, if you open Explorer in the desktop, click C:\ Program Files or Program Files (x86), it's not listed anywhere. WMP is. They did alot of little stupid mistakes. To get into Safe Mode, you can't press F8 during startup. You have to do it through an Administrative Command Prompt. I believe, once 8 comes out, 7 will become the new XP in terms of customer approvals and staying put/rolling back. 8 is really only a tablet os. If you don't have a touch-screen, there's too many extra unnecessary steps to get things done, which actually decreases productivity. Stardock's Start8 really doesn't give you the Strat Menu > All Programs back. ViStart comes up as a trojan, if you do a Safe Mode or Boot-time virus scan Heck, there are alot of people out there that don't realize that they need to update there software and driver's or use an antivirus program. Thus, they probably don't know how to find the programs or do a search either.That's probably between 40-50% of the pc user's out there.