How do I change a .zip file to a .epub file type (and not only the file extension)?


Oct 15, 2011
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I need to change a zip file to an epub file. I have heard this can be done, but when I add the .epub after the file name, I notice the file is still actually zip type file when I right click properties. This is causing a problem when I try to open it in in different ebook reader programs.

I know there is a way to change a file's actual file type, but I don't know how. Perhaps there is a software or I need to go into the registry?

I can do this either with windows 7 or XP home, because I have two computers. So help on either operating system would be great?

As a related question, I am wondering does changing a file's icon type actually change the file type or just the icon?
Mar 8, 2009
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Zipping ePub files
The ePub file format can be an intimidating beast. But in essence it's quite simple - a bunch of XHTML pages plus accompanying metadata in XML files all bundled up in an ordinary zip file.
Read more here -

It would seems ePub files are only zip files. However they require special formating for the zip file to be readable as an ePub. Once the contents of the zip are formated to be read as an ePub, you can then rename it to an ePub.

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