contacts in windows live mail

Jul 23, 2012
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Hello Forum,

First time here. Hope this is the correct place to ask this question.

Migrating from XP to W7 and from Outlook Express to Windows Live Mail. Have added two addresses to WLM, what used to be two, separate identities in OE. The two identities in OE had distinct and different Contact lists. I would have to switch identities to view the different contacts. Saved the Address Book as wab, from my first identity, and imported it to WLM. I notice, however, that my second WLM address (what used to be my second identity in OE) now also has these same contacts. Is there a way to separate identities in WLM so each has its own, but separate, Contact list?

(Btw, I notice right below this message box the word "Trackback." I do not understand what this means.)

I trust the question is clear and thx in advance for your help.



Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
I assume you are using the same computer.
You must set up separate log ins - probably very inconvenient, or
you must both have separate live log ins to Windows Live mail. Under this alternative, you must not have the live log in on automatic.
Jul 23, 2012
Reaction score
I assume you are using the same computer.
You must set up separate log ins - probably very inconvenient, or
you must both have separate live log ins to Windows Live mail. Under this alternative, you must not have the live log in on automatic.
Thx for the quick reply, Dave. No, I am using different computers; old one has XP, new one W7. Does that make a difference to your answer? By different log-ins you mean different user IDs (that would certainly be most inconvenient)?. If not, then I am not clear what a live (vs. dead?) log-in really is. I connect automatically to my ISP and then click on each separate address to receive mail. Each of my two email addresses receives mail separately, yet both have the same Contact list.


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
By separate log ins, I meant for the computer. As you say, very inconvenient and, as you are on different computers, not applicable.
But a "Live" Log in is totally different. You can create two different log ins here:

My other point was that you must have the automatic feature turned off. This should be by default. In Live Mail:
Options - (Click the Blue "File" Top left and it is the last in options) - Mail - Connection tab.

This will mean you need to sign out and in again every time. Rather cumbersome, but I think the only way.

By the way, better late than never, Welcome to the forum
Jul 23, 2012
Reaction score
Since I am new to forums please bear with me while I keep trying to find some suitable answers to this issue.

1. Creating live log-ins, it appears, necessitates that I make hotmail email addresses (correct me if I am wrong), which I don't want to do. I already have enough addresses (all non hotmail) and I am not about to please Microsoft. So I assume then that separate email addresses in WLM cannot contain separate contact lists as was the case with my OE.

2. Since this is a forum does anyone else have ideas on this issue? For example, are there other email clients that will mimic OE with separate identities? Would moving to Outlook make any difference?

3. Would someone mind explaining to me what 'trackbacks' means (I asked this in my original posting) and also what do 'polls' entail? I see these words listed on the forum but have no idea what they mean. Would appreciate clarification.

Many thx....

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