I'm aware the cross-posting is technically the correct way to go -
however, many people (myself included) now auto-delete all cross-posted
message without reading them, since nearly all the junk posts from
trolls and general mischief-makers are cross-posted. Deleting
cross-posts and anything from Google Groups too gets rid of nearly all
the rubbish in one fell swoop.
I could have altered a few words in one of the posts so that the message
were not identical, but I didn't think, as I don't make a habit of it,
anyone would be so petty as to pass comment. That's obviously what you
get for trying to be helpful to people.
I suppose having two heads/faces you could see into both groups at the
same time?
Petty? I posted a reply in the other NG, and when I noticed this
duplicate article I offered what I thought was helpful advice
(delivered in what I considered a polite, though terse, manner) in case
you were unaware of the customary method of posting the same content to
multiple newsgroups.
If you choose to filter responsible cross-posting, that's your own
decision (if I were to do so, I'd be inclined to filter articles posted
to more than a smallish number of groups - perhaps 5? I'd have to think
about it). But calling someone petty for pointing out when you've not
followed established newsgroup behavior is inappropriate *especially*
when by your own admission you know you were not following established
standards in the first place.
By the way, changing "a few words in one of the posts so that the
message were not identical" is still multi-posting.
If I had two heads like you, Zaphod,
I could have hours of fun banging them against a wall.
-Ford Prefect