BootMgr missing after SSD install

Jul 31, 2015
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I installed a 1TB SSD in the secondary drive bay of this Dell 1747 laptop (W7 HP x64) planning to move my installation there in preparation for the W10 upgrade. Being cautious I wanted to preserve the W7 installation on the original 500GB HDD.

Long story short, I messed up the partition table to the point where neither Windows nor Spotmau Bootsuite can restore things (in my apparently incompetent hands, anyway). I have attached a picture of the current state of affairs in which I am booting off a 750 GB USB enclosure which is a recent clone of the existing HDD.

Windows Recovery fails with the "BootMgr Missing" error from both the W7 Recovery CD and Bootsuite. I clone to USB for backup so no System Restore.

Thank you sincerely for any assistance.


Jul 31, 2015
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hi gumatz I have recognized your error you accidentally click a hidden button witch made your ssd as your primary hard drive and windows is saying to you hey there is no windows here so you're screwed but there is a fix grab your hdd plug it in by sata in another PC and then back up all your info and personal files 2.nd insert your Windows cd and install it again on your had and you are done . Have a good day gumatz
Jul 31, 2015
Reaction score
Ahh, OK thanks. That makes sense why the secondary is showing up as "Disk 0", but there is no other PC. I guess I'll open this thing up again, remove the SSD and let W10 happen come what may. I will still have the USB HDD backup if it's a W8-ish disaster. Thank you again for the reply.

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