Hi, my firs post and i want your help. 
When I had Win Xp Alpha Protocol worked nice without any errors but when installed W7
AP too it wont run i mean i get message with Dont Send all driver is istalled .NET istalled
Everything to play games is installed so what should i do? PC spec. AmD Athlon XP 3200+ AsuS ah4650 AGP 1 gb, 2 Gb ram, MB msi k7n2-delta 2.
Sorry for bad english im just 13 yrs old boy from little country called Lithuania
When I had Win Xp Alpha Protocol worked nice without any errors but when installed W7
AP too it wont run i mean i get message with Dont Send all driver is istalled .NET istalled
Everything to play games is installed so what should i do? PC spec. AmD Athlon XP 3200+ AsuS ah4650 AGP 1 gb, 2 Gb ram, MB msi k7n2-delta 2.
Sorry for bad english im just 13 yrs old boy from little country called Lithuania