SOLVED Windows 7 Backup help needed

May 7, 2010
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I recently purchased and setup a Xbox 360 S 250 gb. to use as an extender to stream Windows Media Center to it and my h.d.t.v. Lately I've been having issues with Windows 7's Backup since adding th Xbox 360 as an extender. It shows 2 files that weren't backed up during th backup for a user I'm assuming is the name Windows 7 gave the Xbox 360. Here's a screenshot of the user in question. The Xbox 360 isn't on 24/7 and I make sure it & (e-mail address removed) aren't running during any backups. Thanks for any help with this.


May 7, 2010
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Here's the 2 files it isn't backing up.
I recently purchased and setup a Xbox 360 S 250 gb. to use as an extender to stream Windows Media Center to it and my h.d.t.v. Lately I've been having issues with Windows 7's Backup since adding th Xbox 360 as an extender. It shows 2 files that weren't backed up during th backup for a user I'm assuming is the name Windows 7 gave the Xbox 360. Here's a screenshot of the user in question. The Xbox 360 isn't on 24/7 and I make sure it & folding@home aren't running during any backups. Thanks for any help with this.



Win 7/Linux Mint Lover
Nov 13, 2009
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Can I modify it to skip the boot files, too? My Windows 7 Backup failed (error code 0x8007007B). After researching the code, I found some answers to this error on Microsoft Answers. If you have a 3rd party boot loader (I use GRUB), due to dual booting with any version of Linux, the backup will fail.

I didn't really need this backup, as I use Acronis True Image Home 2010 as my primary backup program. But I thought that in the event that my main backup HDD failed, I'll have an extra Windows Image to fall back on, which can be accessesed through Startup Repair or Advanced Recovery Options. I'll be deleting and creating a new one weekly, to minimize data loss.

However, I was able to create a straight image of my drive, the option is in the upper left hand corner of Windows Backup screen, along with the option to create a system repair disc. What I don't understand, is why can I create the image, but not the backup?

May 7, 2010
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Thanks TrainableMan. I selected everything ecept MCx1-KEITH-PC. Will that solve the issue ? If so, mark this as SOLVED.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Keith, I suggest you tell it to run the backup now and verify it does solve your problem.

Cat, I'm not sure I understand your question but you can always turn off backups completely; I suspect you can uncheck all the files and then I would figure only the image would be taken.
May 7, 2010
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The question was why it wasn't backing up the 2 files in the 2nd screenshot. Both are located in the C;\Users folder under What I assume is a user name Windows gave my Xbox 360 extender. I don;t leave the Xbox on 24/7. It's off during backups. All the files I assume are also in my User folder, as it's Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Saved Games & Videos. All of which are on my 2nd h.d. seperate from Windows and Programs on 1st h.d. In Windows Backup I selected Let Me Choose and unchecked that user. Everything else I left checked. P.S. I'll just wait until Sunday to let it run as scheduled as my external hard drive still has the backup that skipped those 2 files from the screenshot. Anyway my 2 W.D. Caviar Black h.d's give me access to there version of Acronis True Image and can be upgraded to both parts of the True Image Home 2011 for 29.95 for True Image Home 2011 and 29.95 for the True Image 2011 Plus, which can copy drive to a new drive with different hardware. I'm going for those 2 versions in April, as I'm getting a MSI 890FX mobo to replace this AM2+ ECS one. That way I can format both internal drives and let Acronis restore everything other than the old motherboard drivers. The MSI drivers will be pre-saved in my Downloads > Drivers folder.


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
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Pardon me if I sound glib or annoyed, but WHY DO USERS CONTINUE TO MESS WITH WINDOWS BACKUP?????

It's a piece of junk, works correctly about 10% of the time and is error-prone.

Either use Macrium Reflect Free if you can't afford Acronis True Image Home or suffer the problems with the Windows Backup.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Searches & Contact should be folders not files but as to why it is having a problem with them, I have no idea. If you do not use that userid then there is no need to back up contacts or searches so I suggested simply unselecting it and see if that avoids the error. If you need to know WHY, I'm afraid I cannot help. If it were me I would look in those folders and see if maybe there was an open file (in use) or something.
May 7, 2010
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We're all using it, because it came with the o.s. Personally, I'm using it until just before I install my MSI mobo and just before I install it. I'm going to install the Acronis True Image WD version. I'm then going to use that to get the discount of off Acronis True Image Home 2011 and then add the Acronis True Image Home Plus package to that and save $20.00. I'm then going to make a Backup Image with that, as it can be transferred to new hardware- namely the AM2+ motherboard that's being replaced with a AM3 MSI 890FX mobo. Then I can restore that image after formatting my hard drive and not have to worry about any clean installs, like you normally have to do when upgrading mobo's.


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
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I'm then going to make a Backup Image with that, as it can be transferred to new hardware- namely the AM2+ motherboard that's being replaced with a AM3 MSI 890FX mobo. Then I can restore that image after formatting my hard drive and not have to worry about any clean installs, like you normally have to do when upgrading mobo's.
One last word on this... if the motherboards have different chipsets, then sometimes an image restore is useless. You would have to install new drivers.

In all my years of doing OS installs, whenever a new motherboard is installed, it is the standard procedure to do a FRESH CLEAN install of the operating system. All techs recommend only this procedure, as doing it the "easy" way with a shortcut will cause problems and driver conflicts. Trying to do shortcuts will only cause problems in the long run.

IF BOTH motherboards use the 890FX chipset then you're fine, but I doubt they do plus other different chipsets such as audio, etc.


Win 7/Linux Mint Lover
Nov 13, 2009
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I've used Todo, it's a good, solid, no frills, free backup solution that works with many versions of Windows.

Acronis True Image is good too, they have their free modified versions, Seagate Disk Wizard, and WD Backup, in addition to their paid versions.

May 7, 2010
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Cat. I've already have W.D.'s version of Acronis. That's what I'm going to unstall when I'm ready to upgrade to True Image Home 2011 and Home Plus Package 2011. You get a $20.00 discount on True Image Home 2011, if you have the free W.D. version of it installed. All you do is open the free version and click on upgrade and you get it for $29.99 instead of $49.99. That's the route I'm going in April.


Win 7/Linux Mint Lover
Nov 13, 2009
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You'll be glad you did. While WD's (and Seagate Disk Wizard) are both good programs, offering more than Macrium (such as cloning), the full version is better. That's what I have on my desktop, Macrium & Seagate Disk Wizard on my notebook.

If my notebook were newer, I could do the same, you get special pricing with it too. When I buy a new one, that's what I'll do, is install the Disk Wizard on it, and get that promo. $20 is a lot of money saved.

Plus, on the paid version, there's a recovery manager that you can activate, you press F11 at boot time, it'll automatically lead you into recovery. I guess that you'd have your backup drive plugged in, and make for an easy recovery. That's the reason that I update my backup weekly.

It even ships with a non-stop backup option, as well as online. So it's well worth $29.99. The good thing is, that it doesn't expire after a year, like the AV's do.

May 7, 2010
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Yeah, the free WD version of True Image doesn't integrate into Action Center or offer Scheduled Backups. I'm basically going to install the free W.D. True Image version of it when I have the $60.00 to purchase the Home 2011 and Home Plus Package 2011 version, just so I can save the $20.00 off the True Image Home 2011 portion of it. The Home Plus Package 2011 still will cost $29.99 and the way I'm doing it True Image Home 2011 will cost $29.99 instead of $49.99. I've done my homework on the True Image part of it.
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No longer shovelling
Mar 30, 2009
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I've used Todo, it's a good, solid, no frills, free backup solution that works with many versions of Windows.
There's plenty of frills now!

Cat, I would equate it like this: 1.0 and 1.1 were like early betas. 2.0 is like the RTM. It's shocking how many features have been added and it works!
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May 7, 2010
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SOLVED. I'm going to go with Acronis True Image Home 2011 and the Plus Package addon to it, as it seems to be what I'm looking for.

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