Upgraded From Vista to Win 7; Now Locks Up

Mar 1, 2011
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Hello everyone,

My daughter's Gateway laptop MX6426 has been a very good computer all this time. I finally decided to upgrade her system to Windows 7, while keeping all her previous settings. I followed all the steps given by the Windows 7 Functionality tool (the one that tells you if it will work in your machine). The install and most Windows Update sessions when without a glitch, but walking away from the computer for about an hour, I found upon my return that the computer was locked up/or frozen. No links work, no system's menu works, and often I am only able to move the mouse pointer, but there is no functionality associated with it.

Even the control-alt-delete option does not work!!!

I am able to recover it only by the good ol' use of the power button on the computer.

It runs fine in safe mode with connectivity option.

I tried the bypass driver signature option, but still locks up.

It does not lock up in safe mode (which perhaps makes a lot a sense to everyone).

I am almost at the point to go back to Vista...but the weird thing is that I have older components in my Dell 3000, and it works fine there, even if I only can use a screen definition of 1078 X 870 something...lol

I can't seem to get the option to modify what gets loaded on start up from a power on stand.

Help, please :)



Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
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Doing an "Upgrade" install over Vista usually will cause problems. Not all the time but over 50% from what I have seen.

It is best if you do a "clean" or Custom install as Windows 7 titles it. Upgrade installs may work for a little while but problems start popping up eventually.

Do a clean install and you won't have those issues. Be sure to download all the latest up-to-date drivers for the notebook prior to install and store them on a thumb drive, external hard drive or a CD-RW disc.

You CAN do a clean new install with the Upgrade disc, in case you're wondering about that. Many Windows 7 users have done so with no problems.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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If you do a clean install you can back up her userid accounts and data with Windows Easy Transfer first. Then after you do a fresh install you restore from the WET back-up then reinstall her programs and she should be up & running.
Mar 1, 2011
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Ok folks, I'll try that. Thanks for the tip. I should be able to report tonight.

Mar 1, 2011
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Well folks,

I submitted the Gateway MX6426 through a fresh install of Windows 7, and it got the furthest since I started messing with her operating system's upgrade. She has not frozen so far. in fact, I got the laptop downloading SP1.

I am very hopeful. Thank you all for the help. I will post


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