Technet subscribers

Feb 9, 2010
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How may of you guys on this forum are Technet subscribers? Is it worth it to become a Technet subscriber?
Feb 9, 2010
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126 next question is; what is the difference between the software the MVP's get versus the Technet subscribers? From what I've been told...and this is by some MVP's, that the software they get are full retail keys that are lifetime. So your saying that Technet software is only trial software.
Mar 8, 2009
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So your saying that Technet software is only trial software.
Thats my outlook on the issue, others have their own outlook. I'm almost positive my postings will stir up a stink, so I think I will leave the thread before it starts. I've never had nor will I ever have either one of the two subscription mentioned below because I feel they are not for the home user. I feel each subscription has its place which is plainly written in black and white. Plainly written and yet still ignored by many who would love to have software for a cheaper price.

Technet is not the same as MSDN.

TechNet also provides a number of downloads of Microsoft software.[7] Many are free, but a large number aren't. These are provided to those with TechNet Subscriptions. The subscriptions provide access to much of Microsoft's software, complete with product keys that do not expire after a certain time. The subscriptions are sold on an annual basis.[8] There are two levels of subscriptions, Standard and Professional. The Standard subscription provides access to most of the software except specific enterprise-orientated software, and includes 1 collection of Microsoft E-learning. The Professional subscription is more expensive, provides access to all the software, and includes 2 free professional support calls and 2 collections of Microsoft E-learning.[9]

There are restrictions on the use of the software obtained from TechNet Subscriptions. The software may not be used for commercial purposes and may be used only by a single person (it may not be shared).[9]
MSDN has historically offered a subscription package whereby developers have access and licenses to use nearly all Microsoft software that has ever been released to the public. Subscriptions are sold on an annual basis, and cost anywhere from $2,000 to $20,000USD per year per subscription, as it is offered in several tiers. Holders of such subscriptions (except the lowest library-only levels) receive new Microsoft software on DVDs or via downloads every few weeks or months. The software generally comes on specially marked MSDN discs, but contains the identical retail or volume-license software as it is released to the public.
It's my opinion that if anyone could get what they wanted in a single subscription, their wouldn't be a reason for two (if not more) different types of subscriptions.
What benefits do MVPs receive?

When you become an MVP, Microsoft sends you a letter telling you that you have been accepted into the MVP programme, along with a plaque or trophy that you can adorn your home trophy case (or work shelf) with.

You also receive an MSDN (for developer-focused MVPs) or TechNet (for IT Pro-focused MVPs) subscription for the duration of your tenure as an MVP (some MVPs have been in the programme for over 10 years!).


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
It is pretty much as Cliff says. When an MVP receives his award,he also gets a Technet Pro subscription and a choice of two alternative MSDN subscriptions. Both are free for the duration.
Beyond that, an MVP has no special priviliges within those subscriptions. The Microsoft material is stiil , in the rules, for test pruposes only, and for the subscriber, only. There is no remarkable difference between the two, although the MSDN is supposedly for IT engineers.
It depends on your use of a computer, as to how much value you will get out of either.. I am retired, and find "messing" with new software of great interest, and gives you a great deal of freedom to experiment and, in my case, hopefully pass on what you have learned, to others, via venues such as this one.
Again, as Cliff says, some MVPs have been ion the program for years. This is truly remarkable. It is based on the quality of your output in many areas, and to keep that pace for ten years is, imo, very good!

Just glancing through the thread again, Bass. The keys are for a lifetime. Even if you subsequently allow your subsciption to expire. This applies to anyone, not only MVPs. But, as said, the software is intended for test purposes. However, you can still download Windows 3.1 (16Bit) from the site. (Still testing?)
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Post Quinquagenarian
Microsoft MVP
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
When an MVP receives his award,he also gets a Technet Pro subscription and a choice of two alternative MSDN subscriptions.
That's not how it works anymore but the benefits that come with the MVP award really has nothing to do with the question.

Only if you wish to test software before you actually purchase the software.
It is worth much more than that. If you are a developer, a subscription can be a tremendous asset and well worth the money. Microsoft is a software company, after all so for someone who programs for a living, it can be invaluable. For me as a hardware technician who avoid code work as much a possible, not so much.


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
"but the benefits that come with the MVP award really has nothing to do with the question. "

The OP asked: " next question is; what is the difference between the software the MVP's get versus the Technet subscribers?"

Thank you for your observation. Obviously the op was interested in the ins and outs of the differences between the various subscriptions/awards. I felt it useful to put him in the picture.

"That's not how it works anymore "

In which regard?
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Post Quinquagenarian
Microsoft MVP
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
The OP asked: " next question is; what is the difference between the software the MVP's get versus the Technet subscribers?"
Thanks, but the question was about the software, not Technet itself. And still, Technet is Technet and MVPs don't get any software as part of their award package.

In which regard?
Sorry, but I don't think it is appropriate to discuss the award's benefits package. This is not even done among MVPs because there are 4 cycles throughout the year so up to half of the MVPs are on a different year award. For example, my cycle starts in July and therefore, I was awarded last year for 2011. I have no clue what the MVPs awarded this past January got with their 2012 award. I also note the monetary value of the "goodies", or "prizes" if you will, that come with the award have dwindled considerably over the years. Sadly this was due to taxes. Many countries consider such "gifts" as income, or taxable compensation - an expensive nightmare for Microsoft to report this information to the 90 different countries where the 4000 MVPs live.

I will just say I did not have to choose between MSDN and Technet and leave it at that. I have no clue what this year's award recipients get with their award. And after all, it is the recognition of the MVPs contributions that is the real intent and value of the award, not the goodies.


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
"Sorry, but I don't think it is appropriate to discuss the award's benefits package"

The clarification of the Award benefits, is on an open PDF on a Microsoft page. In view of this, I did not see I was breaking confidences.


Post Quinquagenarian
Microsoft MVP
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
is on an open PDF on a Microsoft page
Got a link? Because the page I checked before posting was a bit out of date, but even so it didn't mention anything about a choice of two alternative MSDN subscriptions. My comments about it not working that way anymore is based on my own personal experience as a recipient for the last 5 years - comparing my awards package in the first years to the more recent years.

If you are an MVP and got a different package, then again, this is not the place to discuss it.

I think we are driving bassfisher's thread a bit OT.


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
In view of your feelings on the matter, I am sending you the link through your profile
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Post Quinquagenarian
Microsoft MVP
Apr 7, 2010
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Yeah, that WAY out of date. Note it refers to Visual Studio 2005 Community Launch Events. Visual Studio 2010 has been out for almost 2 years.


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
I could give you an update but, as you say, we have drifted right of the thread.
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Post Quinquagenarian
Microsoft MVP
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
Come on Dave, we need to be realistic here. $10,000???? You cannot believe everything you read on the Internet

To your edited comments (from my email notification),

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Ít is still a good indiication of what you will get.

My post #5 was precisely what you can get currently.
You can read it here, as well as a mass of links on the web. You can read it here, as well as a mass of links on the web. There is most certainly nothing too secret about it.

From the site "MVP’s also receive benefits such as: complimentary subscriptions to MSDN or TechNet ($10,000 value), access to MVP private newsgroups, free technical support incidents, assigned a dedicated MVP Lead who serves as the MVP’s main point of contact inside Microsoft, and admission to the MVP Global Summit ("
No it is NOT a good indication.

To clear this up once and for all, James Serra is NOT an MVP. No where on that page, or in his about me page does he say he is an MVP.

He is not listed in the Find an MVP page.

Technet Subscription Prices

He does not know what he is talking about. Show us a link to an official Microsoft page, then we'll talk.
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Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
You have indicated that you feel that discussing these matters is not appropriate on a foum. You have also pointed out that we are going off thread.
As far as the latter is concerned, I agree. Bassfisher showed that he was satisfied with the answers, in his post #6.
However, in your next post, you chose to reopen it with a quote from me, and a remark that it was incorrect.
It was only because of this, that I chose to defend that remark.
In view of your feelings, I edited out the link, but oddly you chose to requote it?
The $10000 he refers to, is the value of the available software for downloading, which I don't doubt. It is theoretical, as I don't think many subscription holders would be intereasted in the who works!
I did not raise the question of whether he was, or was not, an MVP.But, of course as you know, should he be, he could have elected to make it visible only to Microsoft, as some choose to do, and at the same time does not advertise his award, as it is not significant to most seeking info/help on the web. The only reason for the link was to show a supporting view to my post.
Unfortunately, you have drawm me into somthing I did not care to pursue, but, again supporting my original comment, here was my last. I have edited out any contact details.

davehc, here is the MVP Awards information we received from you on.

Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
NDA Status: Accepted

Subscription Order
Subscription: Visual Studio 2010 Professional with MSDN (Download Format Only)
Media: Online-Only
Subscriber ID #: *****

Subscription: Microsoft TechNet Subscription Professional (Download Format Only)
Media: Online-Only
Subscriber ID #: *****

Note: This order will be initiated by the MVP Awards team, and managed directly by MSDN/TechNet team

I really consider the matter NOW closed. I will have to be content to agree to differ. If you search, you will find. Only gripe I have is that I am moved to a category which is not my greater interest. God and MS move in mysterious ways!


Post Quinquagenarian
Microsoft MVP
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
The $10000 he refers to, is the value of the available software for downloading,
That is NOT what he said. I fail to see why you are twisting this around. He clearly says, MVPs receive, "complimentary subscriptions to MSDN or TechNet ($10,000 value)".

It is not "or" and together, MSDN and TechNet are not worth $10000 - not the versions offered to MVPs. He clearly is wrong. As was your 7 year old PDF doc which you should know.

So I give up, as this has gone on to long, serving no purpose.
Feb 9, 2010
Reaction score
Freak me running....All I wanted to know was; was the MVP package of software the same as the Technet and MSDN subscriptions and was there any difference between them. Hell...I'm sorry I even asked the question now.


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
Apologies Bass. Nothing wrong on your side.


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
Freak me running....All I wanted to know was; was the MVP package of software the same as the Technet and MSDN subscriptions and was there any difference between them. Hell...I'm sorry I even asked the question now.
Yeah, like the last time a question was asked about a TechNet subscription, it ballooned into a sticky gooey quagmire.

Now... to quote a famous TV line:
"Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Sky King and Penny are warming up the Song Bird"

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