Printer worked this morning but not now

Aug 14, 2017
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I just want to know how come my printer was working this morning , and not now? I just had a guy named Robert HP repair man help set it up on Aug. 4, 2017. Was fine until today when I went to print off a letter from my e-mail page! Also this man charged me $69.99 for doing this. So what up with this new printer??????????


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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First off, specify the make & model of your printer. Second is it wired to your computer, wired to your router, or is it wireless?

Also, if you paid Robert then you should probably call him to see if he stands behind his work.
Jan 2, 2018
Reaction score
First steps,
make sure the printer is on
Cables USB / network connected correctly
Make sure when printing you choose the correct printer from the drop-down options ie print sent to correct printer

Print test print

restart the computer - wait two mins before start

Open the printer icon so you can see if there's a queue in the printer queue, print test print, you should see it appear in the printer object queue, and print your email, both should appear

What message do you get, error/printing

Worth checking also that on the top of the printer object box the printer does not say offline - if so put the printer back online

Post back your findings

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