Opening a File or Folder Issue

Apr 30, 2012
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Lately when trying to send something to my Desktop and when I highlight (left click) on a file or folder then right click on it and it opens a box with options.... I have noticed in the options my '' Send To '' option has changed from a list of choices to just two. It now shows I can '' Send To '' only my E:\ drive or H:\ drive... whereas before it use to list among others Documents and Desktop also I have noticed that the H:\ drive icon has shown up in Start>Computer window when it wasn't there before.. are they related? and how do I get rid of the icon in the Computer window and how do I reset the '' Send To '' option in that particular window I don't know the proper name for that function but it is commonly used and is the one that has at the head of the list
Open with
Send to
you know what I mean... I just don't know the term and can't remember all the options and it is the Send to that has changed and this is what I am talking about....I have had to copy and paste things to put them on my desktop or other places and it was never like this before so it has to be something is toggled off or on somewhere and my expertise is not along these lines....this was long but I thought it was better than...'' I need help my Send to button is messed up ''.....thanks in advance.
ps don't forget that H:\ icon mysteriously showing up in both places and why would I want to send a file to my E:\ drive when it is my optical drive and I am not copying anything to it?
Apr 30, 2012
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File and Folder opening issue

thanks for your timely response and I am sending a screen shot in an attachment to let you see what it is I am trying to convey.

I did read the readme.txt in the folder an am a little leery as I have not used anything like this before other than the Glary Utility and CCleaner registry cleaners and am not one hundred percent sold on those tools especially the Glary as it tends to wipe out lots of registry issues without saying what exactly it is they are or why it is doing it and to tell the truth may be the cause of this issue...a friend who is a privacy nut came over one day and swore by it and I ran it and sure enough if found over a hundred registry errors and then after I ran the clean up it never did explain anything it just did it and that got me to thinking this may not be a wonderful idea.

Is there anyway you can explain a little more on how to direct this right click app and zero in on my issue? as you can see in the attchmnt that is corrupted.


Last edited:
Apr 30, 2012
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I'm sorry I forgot to ask if this utility will remove the H:\ drive showing when I click on Computer in my Start menu.


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
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No.It is not designed for that. But, what is the "H" drive? If it is showing in "Computer", then it must have some function as a storage device?? Have you recently been using a usb socket for something camera:extra memory??
Apr 30, 2012
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H:\ drive

It is a partition set aside for external usage such as a card reader or hard drive...I have never used it and it cropped up out of the blue about a week ago on this notebook after a year and a half of usage and also attached itself to my Send to in the folder options

As a matter of discussion I just placed a usb flash thumb drive in my open port and it appeared as I:\ drive in my Computer icon in the Start menu...and while we are at it this model notebook has four usb ports and the other three are in usage at the moment 1=chill pad 2=wireless mouse 3=usb flash 4=gaming contoller/joystick so all four are in use and the H:\ drive is still showing up as avaialble and not in use and it has never done that before to me it should only show when in use I have never seen and A:\ drive or a B:\ drive. My C:\drive is my HDD my D:\ drive is set aside as a recovery partition my E:\drive is my optical reader (DVD/CD) F:\drive is a partition set aside for HP my G:\ drive is a secondary HDD I have installed then the H:\ and I:\ then I have and HDMI port I use to hook up my entertainment system along with my flat screen tv and the 9 n 1 card reader so at this point I believe the H:\ drive has an issue but haven't figured it out as yet and that is why I joined this forum to answer this question.

I would like for you to explain what this Right-Click utility is and what it does and how it may help my situation. I have in the past used things willy nilly and it had repercussions and to be honest I had a fellow gamer in Australia use the TeamViewer7 utility to help set up a game we as a group play on line and when he cleaned up some files I had installed by mistake or in the wrong place this H:\ thing cropped up and then my Send to got out of whack within a few days. They may or may not be related and I am stumped and today I will call HP and see what they have to say about this mess. Thanks davehc and await your answer to the above question.
I will say one thing you are brief in your answers.


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
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You can hide the "H" in the Computer Management _Disk Management section.
Right click on "H"
In the "Change Drive Letter and Paths" window, click on the Remove button.
You will be asked to confirm the removal of the drive letter. Click Yes.
Note: If there are open applications using files from the partition, you are warned that the drive is in use.
But you can also examine what you may have in the context menu, and mually remove or add to it. You will find it here:

The small utility does this manually. I have enclosed a screen shot of the open program, where you can see for yourself what may be available.

Apr 30, 2012
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Folder options & H:\drive

I tried the steps you so kindly offered but neither one was available.... I have sent another screen shot showing what happens when I right click the icon and when I opened my C:\drive and searched for the path you sent there was no files in that string of info and I did open each and every one in the user catagory. There were only three folders....Admin... Public... Sam. I just got off the phone with HP and they of course want me to do a factory reset and I refuse that until it is the last resort as I have atleast a hundred and fifty microsoft windows updates installed and that would wipe them all out amongst other things...their motto is ''When in doubt....wipe it out''...along with other " Advisors "... but I prefer to doggedly fix an issue rather than take the path of least resistance...

I have never seen my folder options go bad or have ever seen it or heard of such an issue...I do feel that the two are related...once I get it off my Folder Options I will bet dollars to donuts that it will disappear from my Computer Icons I have also attached a screenshot of my Computer window showing all icons and by the way I have all usb ports in use so it (H) is not in use and never has been in use but shows up and refuses to go away and as stated before it took over my send to option.


Apr 30, 2012
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I noticed in the utility window attachment you sent that it has a '' Hide Drivers in Send To'' option and this is just the opposite of what I am trying to achieve....I want to remove drives in Sent to....and set it back to default where I can send things to documents or desktop or other options.....
Apr 30, 2012
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Ok my friend I reread your last post and it dawned on me what you were saying and here is a screen shot of that discussion....mind you the H drive in question was not listed up top but I did find it below and deleted it as per your instructions that did remove it from the Icon list in Computer which by the way I did an uninstall in Device Manager and it had no effect..... now in my folder options I only have Send to E:\ drive which is weird and thanks for clearing up that issue now on to the Send to Folder Options


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