mp3 files disappearing

Dec 3, 2013
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This is my first post and is related to specific mp3s vanishing,they are usually the ones i like playing regularly like track 1 and five from an album in a large folder containing a collection of other artists.have tried searching the entire computer
with no luck.i noticed other files disappearing and as i said usually the favorite tracks from an album.i also tried restoring the lost tracks from a backup hard drive and that worked for a short time but the tracks keep disappearing,also folders with albums are appearing in other folders with albums. was wondering if some one could help with this.thank you.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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There are at least a couple likely possibilities.
#1 A virus: some viruses hide your files.
- Run a virus scan in safe mode as explained in the beginning of my post HERE.

#2 A hardware failure: your harddrive may be going bad.
- Open Windows Explorer, under Computer right-click on the drive letter and choose Properties. Select the Tools tab. Select Check Now. Make sure both boxes are checked and click Start. When it tells you it must reboot the computer, allow it to do so. This may take a long time if your hard drive is large. If it returns a high number of bad sectors than the drive is probably going bad (the platters loose the ability to hold an electrical charge and data gets lost).

I suggest you verify it is not one of these two things before you try any data recovery software.
Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks very much TrainableMan,I've run roguekiller in safe mode as well as AdwCleaner and Combofix and seems to have made a difference but you might be right on the drive issue you mentioned.the drive is a few years old now and there are a few other issues like time taken to do various tasks and lockups.thanks for your help.

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