Malwarebytes vs SuperAntiSpyware

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Win 7/Linux Mint Lover
Nov 13, 2009
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Download ProcessMonitor from - run MBAM and SAS and you can see which portions won't be accessed by MBAM.

Currently most malware is not 64-bit native, but as the 64-bit systems grow, they certainly will be coded for native 64-bit.
Something weird happened while visiting this site with the latest Firefox (3.6.8). Scrolling down the page, it froze, it happened three times. I had to use the IE tab to successfully view the page & download the product.

Just thought I would make the issue aware to others, in case it happens to anyone else.

I'm preparing to install the product now. Thanks for the link.



No longer shovelling
Mar 30, 2009
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Something weird happened while visiting this site with the latest Firefox (3.6.8). Scrolling down the page, it froze, it happened three times. I had to use the IE tab to successfully view the page & download the product.

Just thought I would make the issue aware to others, in case it happens to anyone else.

I'm preparing to install the product now. Thanks for the link.


Me too Cat!
But it unfroze after 4-5 seconds


Win 7/Linux Mint Lover
Nov 13, 2009
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For me, after a few seconds, the page (tab) dropped, and I was back on the forum. I don't know what happened. Mabye it had to do with last night's update.

Oh well, I guess 3.5.9 is around the corner. Users wont put up with this type of browser behavior. I'm going to report it myself.

PS: I've reported the problem to Firefox.
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Nov 30, 2009
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Download ProcessMonitor from - run MBAM and SAS and you can see which portions won't be accessed by MBAM.

Currently most malware is not 64-bit native, but as the 64-bit systems grow, they certainly will be coded for native 64-bit.
Thanks for the response. However, I'm not overly interested in installing SAS as I simply do not require the need for it. I also run only 32 bit systems here. (I have ZA Extreme installed and scan every so often with MBAM, Spybot.)

Perhaps only a single or a few examples of these portions can be stated?
Jul 17, 2010
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Hello all - Nick Skrepetos from SUPERAntiSpyware here. I saw this thread and thought I would respond to a couple of points.

A non-64 bit native application can't access many 64-bit subsystems and therefore cannot remove malware that uses those systems. i.e. a 32 bit application won't read the 64-bit address space for processes and the 64-bit sections of the registry.
Hello Nick, I created this thread because I felt it was a topic that needed further clarification and discussion, so your input is welcomed and appreciated. I agree with your explanation about 64-bit applications, but as you've seen from some of the remarks, there is always that one arrogant know-it-all who thinks that he understands everything about the subject matter. I will leave that up to your expertise to enlighten him further, although I doubt that he will listen. He enjoys arguing, as a dog enjoys licking himself.
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Nov 30, 2009
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Hello Nick, I created this thread because I felt it was a topic that needed further clarification and discussion, so your input is welcomed and appreciated. I agree with your explanation about 64-bit applications, but as you've seen from some of the remarks, there is always that one arrogant know-it-all who thinks that he understands everything about the subject matter. I will leave that up to your expertise to enlighten him further, although I doubt that he will listen. He enjoys arguing, as a dog enjoys licking himself.
I think you've an understanding that isn't based on reality.

I recommend Malwarebytes across the net countless times in any given week. I'd like to know of its inefficiencies, if any, so I can continue to direct users well in the future.

I do sincerely apologize for wanting evidence of facts. You see, I have this problem believing things only because a person says so. If that was my habit, I'd still believe that Al Gore invented the internet (lol).

If any potential users of SAS wanted to know of the claims, I don't think it's fair for them to have to download this or that and run checks or tests.

That's why I asked this basic question: "Perhaps only a single or a few examples of these portions can be stated? "
Jul 17, 2010
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Uh..OK. I don't know who you are and I was definitely not referring to you in my post. Oh..and my understanding of *reality* is quite lucid, thank you.
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Jul 24, 2010
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I think you've an understanding that isn't based on reality.

I recommend Malwarebytes across the net countless times in any given week. I'd like to know of its inefficiencies, if any, so I can continue to direct users well in the future.

I do sincerely apologize for wanting evidence of facts. You see, I have this problem believing things only because a person says so. If that was my habit, I'd still believe that Al Gore invented the internet (lol).

If any potential users of SAS wanted to know of the claims, I don't think it's fair for them to have to download this or that and run checks or tests.

That's why I asked this basic question: "Perhaps only a single or a few examples of these portions can be stated? "
For example, a 32- bit application under 64-bit Windows won't be able to read 64-bit process memory or access 64 bit registry components.

The reason I suggested downloading Process Monitor was to be able to verify for onesself what is being accessed and what is not - so it would not just be based upon my "words" here.

If you notice, I am not putting down MBAM at all - what I am telling you, which is a fact, and you can't claim otherwise, is that a single product can't catch everything on a given day and running SAS+MBAM is more effective than just MBAM or just SAS - that is plain fact.


Win 7/Linux Mint Lover
Nov 13, 2009
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I have them both, plus MSE. A full scan with MSE daily, twice weekly with MBAM, and once in a while with SAS. It does sweep up the adware & tracking cookies well. As far as an infection goes, I've yet to have one on my desktop, all that my scanners have picked up were what I just mentioned. So SAS is of value.

My notebook, on the other hand, has had more than it's share of bad code. The last few months that I ran XP Pro, before I had Windows 7, I was always running into bad code. I had a scanner of some sort running all the time.

I do thank you for coming here and making the facts clear, and I hope that you hang around. There's always room for more knowledge around here, security is important to us all.

Nov 30, 2009
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Can we assume the answer to the question is "no", based on lack of addressing it:

"Perhaps only a single or a few examples of these portions can be stated?"
Jul 24, 2010
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Can we assume the answer to the question is "no", based on lack of addressing it:

"Perhaps only a single or a few examples of these portions can be stated?"
I guess you missed the post above where I did provide an answer.

For example, a 32- bit application under 64-bit Windows won't be able to read 64-bit process memory or access 64 bit registry components.

The reason I suggested downloading Process Monitor was to be able to verify for onesself what is being accessed and what is not - so it would not just be based upon my "words" here.
Sorry that you missed my response above. If you didn't understand the comment about 32-bit applications not being able to access 64-bit process memory and registry components, please let me know.
Nov 30, 2009
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I was hoping for you to specifically state which location(s) of the registry are immune to Malwarebytes so that I can ask them directly about it for their response.

By which, I mean which keys? Even only stating one key will suffice because as I said, I'd like to ask them about it with a hard, specific example.
Mar 8, 2009
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Sorry that you missed my response above. If you didn't understand the comment about 32-bit applications not being able to access 64-bit process memory and registry components, please let me know.
Would the 64-bit registry components be different than a quad-word? In other words the registry components can not be broken down into smaller sections to be read by the 32-bit processes. I understand this to be true about the 64-bit process memory.

May I ask if scanning process memory is only needed if you are running a real-time scanner?

My understanding is that a quad-word can be read one word at a time instead of the whole string at one time. This would make a 16-bit machine capable of reading a 64-bit string.
Nov 11, 2010
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SaS & MalwareBytes none are better

Hi all , after reading the comments i wanted to put my 2 cents on the pile , regarding these products,

both are fantastic i have been using sas pro for a few years now and i also use malwarebytes as both can pick up different infections.

The problem is i can find that both products can miss infections , so i have to resort to the likes of Combofix and Unhackme rootkit removal ,GMER which has also saved me a few times.

I have found over the years and i have tried every product on the market to remove certain infections and the ones listed above have always proved and killed the infections. so these 5 products are cleary the best. Sas does offer more in the package and it does clear rootkits which when i think back malware bytes stated the infection was removed but was back on start up , sas cleared this

i like the repair mode in sas pro as this offers system restore and winsock fixes. There will never be a better product as i tell my customers Virus and Spyware protection will not protect you 100 percent it will help prevent it . I use Eset Smart Security along with the products listed and still infections pass the firewall . i personally believe Eset anti-virus along with comdo Firewall and my 5 listed products will keeep you on top of the game.

My Rant is over, happy reading Lol

:) thankyou all
Nov 6, 2010
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I have used SAS Pro for years from when i had an XP/Vista/7 32bit and recently put it on the system i am using now X64 i can honestly say i am pretty sure it has done its job by keeping Spyware, Adware and Remove Malware, Trojans, Dialers, Worms, KeyLoggers, HiJackers,Parasites, Rootkits, Rogue Security Products and many other types of threats, I have in the past went out my way to test this great program and to date i still rate it 8/10 for protecting all for PC's/Laptops within my house, its not perfect by no means, but i dont even notice it, it's quick,silent and effective and does not bog the systems downs.

Lets hope V5 SAS is better! :)

Malwarebytes I did try that a few times, again very effective but found it slowing things down. Now a Program that is not X64 native cant do a thorough job on a X64 this is my personal findings.

On another note i believe that any security program/application will work different on each individual system, systems run different programs apps they have different specs so the security program will act different in any given situation, which it is always hard to tell people what is the best security/malwware app to use.

I know i side tracked a bit... well quite a bit but i thought it is still relevant :)

Dont shout at me.

+1 SAS :D
Nov 30, 2009
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Malwarebytes is generally a manual scan software, so whether or not it slows anything down isn't even a consideration at all.

It can be purchased and used for 24/7 protection. I have no experience with using it like this as most people. I recommend it as a manual scan anti-malware app in conjunction with MSE, for stability. (I help people with bsods and installing MSE to replace the current a/v is a must in lots of the cases.)
Nov 6, 2010
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Malwarebytes is generally a manual scan software, so whether or not it slows anything down isn't even a consideration at all.

It can be purchased and used for 24/7 protection. I have no experience with using it like this as most people. I recommend it as a manual scan anti-malware app in conjunction with MSE, for stability. (I help people with bsods and installing MSE to replace the current a/v is a must in lots of the cases.)
Oh I know, dont get me wrong, i have an internet security but i do have SAS too fingers cross i have never had any problems malware/BSOD well only when i am testing security app and stuff, but i only do that on a spare pc.

and its been that long since i used malwarebytes, i cant even remember what looks like :)
Nov 30, 2009
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Cool, yeah...nothing against SAS here....just some of the claims that the developer was claiming against MBAM.
Nov 6, 2010
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Malwarebytes is generally a manual scan software, so whether or not it slows anything down isn't even a consideration at all.

It can be purchased and used for 24/7 protection. I have no experience with using it like this as most people. I recommend it as a manual scan anti-malware app in conjunction with MSE, for stability. (I help people with bsods and installing MSE to replace the current a/v is a must in lots of the cases.)

This may sound like a daft question so dont laugh, how and where is the best place to learn about BSOD, it something i would like to start looking into.

and you will say here, right? :)
Nov 30, 2009
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This may sound like a daft question so dont laugh, how and where is the best place to learn about BSOD, it something i would like to start looking into.

and you will say here, right? :)
Yes, your post was at the bottom of my screen and I didn't see your final sentence yet.

I was already going to reply as such.

Feel free to create a thread any time if you want help with learning or to ask questions about them.

And then there's this with my helpful posts in this thread:
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