I'm Back!

Sep 25, 2010
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Full_Taoer, I may be mistaken, but I thought that's what the passkey is for. After so many (I don't know this number) WU's, you get bonus points, provided you enter a valid passkey, everytime you reach that number again.
At this time, only Core A3 and Core A5 WUs are eligible for passkey bonuses, though I remember Stanford contemplating bonuses for Classic WUs, also. All of those are CPU WUs.

GPU WUs do not earn bonuses. Dr. Pande and members of his group have said that a bonus program for GPUs is possible down the road, just not right now. The only thing a passkey will do for you with GPU folding is allow you to track stats by passkey, not just username.

Try it with your own passkey. It will show all points awarded to any client with your passkey in the configuration:

But then again, I don't know exactly how it works. I did get a huge one two months back, also mabye one other time, I saw these monthly points on Extreme Overclocking, where you get a break down of everything.
About that big bonus, there is only one way to clear this up. Allow me to explain.

yodap had donated some points to you in order to get you back to the Top 10 in your team. A number of outside folders, possibly myself included, had pushed you back out in the course of getting the team to the point where EOC would track individual stats.

As a quiet thank you for sticking with folding, some points were redirected to your name. The WU that was worth 69K was a bigadv WU. Below, you can see the total points that were redirected. (passkey blurred to keep it confidential)

I'm sorry if this created any confusion, but I'm not sorry for paying it forward. ;)


No longer shovelling
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
Geez, you're an old softy aren't ya? :D

ms_yodaps first 10 are complete. the following shows 12196 points generated. I think these points have been awarded.



No longer shovelling
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
BTW, thanks for everything F_T.

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