I am trouble, use Win7 SP1. if via registry to set:
(1) that (notepad), is it possible when save file (default: ANSI to Unicode)
(2) that (recycle bin), I have many HDD device's insert my computer, is it possible, all drive set (Permanently Delete Files), Globe set(Permanently Delete Files),possible?
and \$RECYCLE.BIN , is it possible NEVER create that folder?
(3) \System Volume Information, is it possible NEVER create, ?
(4) cmd, run as administrator , is it possible set Default. ? and some APP, if I need set default = run as administrator, possible?
(5) who is (TI. TrustedInstaller) is it power right than administrator? If have administrator right, is it upgrade to( TI right?
(1) that (notepad), is it possible when save file (default: ANSI to Unicode)
(2) that (recycle bin), I have many HDD device's insert my computer, is it possible, all drive set (Permanently Delete Files), Globe set(Permanently Delete Files),possible?
and \$RECYCLE.BIN , is it possible NEVER create that folder?
(3) \System Volume Information, is it possible NEVER create, ?
(4) cmd, run as administrator , is it possible set Default. ? and some APP, if I need set default = run as administrator, possible?
(5) who is (TI. TrustedInstaller) is it power right than administrator? If have administrator right, is it upgrade to( TI right?
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