To repair the virus infected Excel file very firstly scan your PC with the good antimalware tool to makes your system virus free. And now to repair the corrupted Excel file tries the given solutions:
1. First, click on the Microsoft Office button > click Open.
2. Then, in the Open dialog box > choose infected Excel file.
3. And click the arrow next to the Open tab > on the Open and Repair
4. Then perform one of the given steps:
Click on Repair tab. (To recover data of much Excel file)
Click on Extract Data tab. (To extract values and formulas from Excel file when repair file is unsuccessful.
Hope this will help you but if not then simply move the corrupted excel file to another folder, drive or server. Sometimes due to virus infection, the Excel file become inaccessible and as a result, you are not able to access it. So try this and if possible then try to open it on another computer.