finding drivers on Win 7 disk

Nov 18, 2011
Reaction score
My laptop would not long onto wireless internet, though my other laptops did.
Updated internet drivers and that worked well for over a week, then back to the same problem.
Went online and followed instructions to find online drivers on the machine.
The microsoft internet driver had a code 50.
Instructions said to uninstall that driver and re-boot machine so the driver could re-install itself. It did not re-install itself. So that driver is not absent in my Win 7.
I have the Win 7 upgrade disk, but do not know how to find or identify that driver so I can re-install it or any drivers for that matter.
Can you tell me if I can install the drivers for Win 7 from the upgrade disk and if so, how do I identify or find them on the disk.
The affected machine will not connect to internet as it stands now.

Thank you for your help,
Richard McDonald
(e-mail address removed)

PS, what is a trackback


OCing one chip at a time
May 11, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Richard, can you give us the wireless hardware information?

Ideally it is better to get a driver either from the computer maker or directly from the company that created the hardware, as both would be newer and possibly offer more functionality or features not found in the Microsoft driver.

Also, you might try uninstalling the hardware to remove the corrupted drivers completely before trying to reinstall them. You can do this from within the Device Manager screen. First find the wireless device, then right-click on it and select Properties. Go to the Driver tab, and select uninstall. Lastly, restart the system, as Windows may be able to automatically reinstall the device.

PS, here's what a trackback is!
Nov 18, 2011
Reaction score
Hello again, Kougar.
I wrote a reply, but when I clicked on Post Reply it vanished. Did you receive it?
Nov 18, 2011
Reaction score
Dear Kougar,

Please let me know if you are receiving my messages.
I have written two posts n direct response to your detailed post. Both have seemingly been deleted when I clicked on "post".
The only post I see on this page is the short one I posted to ask you if you had gotten my first detailed response to your post.

The page told me I was not logged in, yet on the page top it says I am. . . .This is becoming as frustrating as the non functioning computer.

Thank you,


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Richard, I cannot see your original reply but I do see the last couple posts so maybe you could make sure you are logged on and then post your wireless hardware information again.
Nov 18, 2011
Reaction score
Hello Trainableman,

My problem is I do not know where the wireless hardware information is or what it looks like. Can you guide me to it?

Also, I think I am mixing terms: I have said that I uninstalled the Microsoft driver when I actually uninstalled the Microsoft internet adapter because it had a code 50.
I found four internet adapters and uninstalled the one. The others are still there.
I thought I was uninstalling a driver and that the computer would re-install it when I re-booted the machine. The adapter did not re-install

I have the Microsoft upgrade disk to Win 7, but do not know how to locate or identify the internet adapter from the disk. All the codes and abbreviations are baffling to me.

I had updated the drivers over a week ago and the computer did log onto the internet for a week, but then began to go off and on line while I was using the online connection. Finally, it stayed off line, but that was after I uninstalled the internet adapter.

If I can not re-install the network adapter from the disk, can I download it onto another computer from the internet and place it on a thumb drive, then install it on the affected machine?

My computer came with Windows XP, I upgraded to Vista, then to Win 7.

I hope this is helpful.
Thank you for taking time to help me.

Richard McDonald


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Can you plug the laptop in (wired internet) and get internet connectivity?

If so then open control panel ... device manager. Find the missing/code 50 driver and right-click. Choose Update Driver Software. Choose search automatically for updated driver software. See if it finds the driver online.


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
I believe code 50 means , basicly, that your network adapter is not working. Can you try a direct connection with the ethernet adapter and see if it is working? I see you have a cable connection to your router, stated in your specs. You could also try unplugging this to see if their is a confliction.
Perhaps too simple, but you are aware, I am sure, that most laptops have a switch or button somehwere, that connects or disconnects the wireless adapter? In your machine, you could try F2 if you cannot indentify a manual switch.
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OCing one chip at a time
May 11, 2009
Reaction score
Sorry that ya were having trouble posting, Richard.

It sounds unusual that a laptop would have four internet adapters installed. What are the other ones and were any also wireless? It'd be easiest to just take a screenshot of the device manager showing them and post it here so we can see. The machine's model # would help too, thank you.

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