BSOD issue. Newly Built Computer. ntoskyrnl.exe suspected problem. Need help.

Dec 8, 2013
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I keep getting a BSOD problem over and over (thank google that chrome saves data during unexpected shutdowns. I had a bsod mid post). I just randomly happens when I'm in the middle of something and the computer resets on me.

Currently doing a memtest to see if it's the RAM.

List of crashes in BlueScreenView

I'd upload the minidumpfiles but I just now have it set to the 256kb Small Memory Dump rather than the Kernal dump.

All my drivers are up to date.

Really need help.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
The link you provided didn't work when I tried it (over bandwidth limit or site maintenance) but anyway, NTOSKRNL is the Windows kernal and is not your actual problem, it is just a "catch all" when the actual problem isn't clear.

Since it is a new build there is a very good chance it is defective/incorrect RAM or improperly set RAM timings/voltage. Be sure your RAM is correct/approved for the motherboard and check your timings/voltage are to the RAM specs.

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