SOLVED Backup Windows 7 and Office 2010 Activation Tokens files with Advanced Tokens Manager


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
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From: The Windows Club 9-30-2011

Advanced Tokens Manager
lets you backup and restore your Windows 7 and Office 2010 Activation files, thereby doing away with the need of activating your software everytime you install it.

Windows Activation is the initial process by which a Windows running on a PC is determined to be properly licensed and genuine, and it’s really quick and easy. It is different from Registration, in the sense that, Activation is the process of ensuring that your copy of Windows is used according to the Microsoft Software License Terms, whereas registration is the process of entering information to sign up for product support, tools and tips, and other product benefits.

Every time you reinstall Windows, you have to feed in the serial and activate your copy. It may happen that you do not have an Internet connection to activate it or maybe you have run out of online activation attempts to activate your Windows copy. In such a case you can ofcourse dial the Microsoft telephone number to activate it – but this entails time.

This is where Advanced Tokens Manager can help you. Using this portable freeware, you can backup, save and at a latter date restore your activation files when required.
The activation tokens file for Windows is typically located at:
C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\ SoftwareProtectionPlatform\tokens.dat.
The activation tokens file for Office is typically located at:
Tokens.dat is a digitally signed file, which stores most of the windows activation files. All files together have a digital signature that prevents tokens.dat be replaced on other machines, in this case, if used on different machines, will ask for online activation.

The program works for Office 2010, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2011 and Windows Server 2008 R2 and you can download it from its home page.

Advanced Tokens Manager, will help to make a complete and trusted backup of your activation data

Microsoft imposes a limit of activations for each license online, using the program, you can activate offline number of times you want, and enjoy your Genuine Software.


I have used this in the past and continue to use it. This is an excellent little piece of utility software which I find very handy to have around.

Save the grief of having to call MS for phone activations.
Feb 9, 2012
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Backup is one important thing to do for any of your digital devices, be it PC, phone, tablets or any other. We have already covered many freeware tools to take a regular backup of your Windows.
Jun 4, 2012
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Is it legal as one could use this utility to create a backup from a genuine win 7 and restore it to another pc.Thus making it also genuine


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Microsoft has the ability to detect when the same license is in use on multiple machines and they eventually flag it as invalid and all the machines switch to "this copy is not genuine". This is why buying an activation code from the internet is so dangerous; they may be selling the same key to many people and you could work fine for 2 or 3 months and then month 4 or so, BAM, YOUR WINDOWS IS NOT GENUINE.

So yes, the tool is legal but using it as you mentioned would not be, and rest assured, Microsoft will deal with anyone that abuses it.


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
Is it legal as one could use this utility to create a backup from a genuine win 7 and restore it to another pc.Thus making it also genuine

NO! That is basically software piracy.

Only useful for the same hardware configuration such as hard drive, motherboard, and CPU.

All this tool does is restore the token saving the number of times one must contact MS.

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