I restarted last night, after cleaning up the largest disaster in my computing life. I've never had to nuke a computer before, but there's a first time for everything. When visiting certain sites from here on out, it will be with Mint, or another Linux OS. Unless you're running as root (the same as running as administrator in Windows), you're not going to destroy your OS.
I'm already at 27 WU's myself, should be at 35 or so, but always problems with my notebook lately. It has crashed three times in the last week, the last of which was a "blue screen" crash. Then there was the infection, when I was at 98% complete with a WU. Otherwise, the notebook has ran 24/7 since late April or early May. Perhaps if I placed it in the hot sunroom to fold, it will crash for the last time, and I'll have a check for $400. I can add another $200 to that and have a nice notebook, one that doesn't get so hot I can't rest it on my leg without burning myself. Seriously, I fell asleep in the recliner, and the notebook burning my leg woke me. Perhaps I should sue Dell, as the lady did McDonalds for the overheated coffee. I had to go to the urgent care center over it, there is a permanent scar on my left leg over it, so it's well documented.
Isn't a corporation responsible for the injuries that their products cause? They were being wrongly promoted as "laptops", with the heat issue and all, most users now calls them "notebooks", which is what they really are. Normally, I wouldn't have the notebook in the chair to begin with, but the damn thing keeps dropping OS's from time to time. I was reinstalling XP Pro when the incident occured, due to the meds I take, I blacked out (this happens daily). If the thing worked as it should, I wouldn't have a scar on my leg, nor would I be afraid to hold it any longer.
I think that this would be a great discussion between me and my attorney, he will consult with me for free. The worst that he can tell me is that he can't help. But really, these things should be tagged as being a danger somewhere on the casing that can be easily seen.