This program is blocked by group policy

Sep 1, 2014
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Somehow my computer has downloaded a virus or malware program that pops up whenever I try to download any type of antivirus or ,malware removal program including Windows security Essentials, Glary Utilities. It also will not allow any updates of programs like Adobe flash player updates. I have tried everything I know to try to eliminate this error but without any success. Is there anyone in the membership that can give me simple/stupid instructions on how to permanently remove or disable this nightmare of a program?
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated....Thank you...Lamar Bailey
Sep 9, 2013
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1. Have you tried going to Safe Mode with Networking and do the installing there ?
If you can do so, install Malwarebytes ( free edition) and run a full scan with it.
Don't use MSE ( Microsoft security essentials ). It's a "basement quality" product.

2. Do you have an anti-virus program installed at all ?
If yes, can you run it in Safe Mode ?
If yes, run a full scan.
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Sep 1, 2014
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1. Have you tried going to Safe Mode with Networking and do the installing there ?
If you can do so, install Malwarebytes ( free edition) and run a full scan with it.
Don't use MSE ( Microsoft security essentials ). It's a "basement quality" product.

2. Do you have an anti-virus program installed at all ?
If yes, can you run it in Safe Mode ?
If yes, run a full scan.
Sep 1, 2014
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Thanks for your help...I cannot download any type of antivirus program and those that are downloaded are not allowed to run because of the "group policy" issue. I have malwarebytes downloaded but it will not allow me to update any program, not even Microsoft updates.Additionally, I am unable to boot into safe mode via the f8 key....any ideas on how to circumvent this issue? Also Hitman 3.7 is blocked as is tdss killer and everything I have tried....all to no avail....Is there any program I can download to a flash drive on another computer that will override this "group policy" issue...again...many thanks for your assistance....
Sep 9, 2013
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I am sorry. I can't help you any further.
I can help "group policy" issue because I don't have Win 7 Ultimate or higher.

P.S. Thank you for clicking the "Like button, but you really shouldn't because what I said in that reply does nothing to help you.

Anyway, please wait a bit more. Someone will come along to help you.
Good luck.
Sep 1, 2014
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I am sorry. I can't help you any further.
I can help "group policy" issue because I don't have Win 7 Ultimate or higher.

P.S. Thank you for clicking the "Like button, but you really shouldn't because what I said in that reply does nothing to help you.

Anyway, please wait a bit more. Someone will come along to help you.
Good luck.

Well you may have a point....but at least you tried and that's good enough for me to call you a friend and gives me insight to the quality of the members for this sight.
I really do appreciate you, and the effort you made in trying to help....thanks again....Lamar Bailey


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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OFF-TOPIC: I have to disagree. MSE is a decent anti-virus. No A/V is perfect and if you are picking a free A/V then MSE is not bad. Also, a clarification, Group Policy Editor is included in Professional or higher

Now the OPs virus ...
Using another, non-infected computer and a blank CD (or DVD), download and burn a copy of Windows Defender Offline. Then boot the infected computer to the Windows Defender CD (if necessary adjust the BIOS boot order, the CD must boot prior to the Hard drive).


Mar 1, 2012
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I agree with Trainableman about MSE as well. I have used it since it was released. The reason I use it, is because it doesn't cause headaches (BSOD) that the other over zealous bloatware antivirus can cause. And it's FREE!! Many times I have said to people uninstall their AV and Just use Microsoft's AV when investigating computer crashes.

You need to complete an offline scan as Trainableman suggested.

After the Offline scan, have a read of the article HERE that explains how to turn off Group Policys.
Sep 9, 2013
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Microsoft has admitted Windows users should install antivirus above and beyond its own Security Essentials, describing its protection as merely a "baseline" that will "always be on the bottom" of antivirus software rankings.
Microsoft launched Security Essentials in 2009, raising complaints from antivirus rivals that such software shouldn't be bundled with Windows for competition reasons.
However, the most frequent complaint about Security Essentials is that it's not good enough: it flunked a pair of tests earlier this year - including one from Dennis Technology Labs, a testing firm affiliated with PC Pro's publisher.
Now, Microsoft has said it sees Security Essentials as merely the first layer of protection, advising customers to use additional, third-party antivirus - although the company stressed that wasn't because the product wasn't good enough to stand on its own.

Read more: Microsoft: Security Essentials is designed to be bottom of the antivirus rankings | Security | News | PC Pro

Another article :

Now, Microsoft has said it sees Security Essentials as merely the first layer of protection, advising customers to use additional, third-party antivirus - although the company stressed that wasn't because the product wasn't good enough to stand on its own..........
Sounds very much like the talk of "sitting on the fence " politician.

My personal conclusion :
For established, experienced computer users, MSE is good enough.
For ordinary, average users who may not always follow proper security practices, a stronger AV is advisable. Naturally, no security program will be good enough to protect any one who is careless or reckless.
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Mar 1, 2012
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My personal view, is that I very rarely rely on some company doing tests. I have just never found them reliable. I often wonder about their agenda.

But again it is just my own personal opinion.

Here is what I have found after working in this industry.
I personally have stability(BSOD) and bloatware concerns with AV vendors, anyway I have a very old email account that I use primarily to catch email born viruses. Which I would think would be a typical way a virus would enter a users computer.

Anyway when I am not doing other things I often submit the viruses / Malware to Malwarebytes and Microsoft.
Prior to submission:
I scan the Malware / Virus with the latest patterns from Malwarebytes and Microsoft.
Upload and scan via :

And you know what? The most regular AV I see that has already sampled and updated their patterns is Kaspersky's.
Further if I check within the following 12 hours for an update from MS and Malwarebytes patterns, they have applied the detection for the virus/malware. Often ahead of other AV companies.
So you see I have very little faith in what companies say in reports concerning AV software. I prefer to rely on what I see.

Just my 2 cents.
Sep 9, 2013
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Thank you for your input.

The key point of this Off Topic discussion is not about the trustworthiness of company's test result. The key point(s) being.........
1. MS admits MSE is just the first layer of protection, bottom of the ranking.
2. MS advises users to seek "additional 3rd party antivirus" protection.
Hence my recommendation to the OP not to employ MSE.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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OFF-Topic: MSE is adequate protection for most users; the statement regarding a baseline was because Microsoft shares their virus list with everyone, so Microsoft would expect all other A/Vs to include at least those shared openly. Addressing item #2, personally I do recommend Malwarebytes, the passive freeware version as a good secondary scanner, but you should not have two active scanners installed at the same time. TheWindowsClub Article.

Lamar, have you had any success removing the virus with Windows Defender Offline?
Sep 1, 2014
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Thank you I have not tried running the windows defender offline but I fully intend to do so this weekend. I really appreciate all the "off topic" discussions and I feel sure that something within all this discussion will resolve the issue..Anyway, I will keep you posted as I want to contribute to the site whatever the final solution for this problem solves the issue,,,,Again, Thank you and all the others for your kindness and assistance. I will keep all of you in the loop....Lamar

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