Hi, i just installed windows 7 pro 64bits on a new ssd, replacing the hdd i had. Just after, when i was watching some vídeos i noticed that the image was stuttering too much, went to task mngr and it shows that the CPU is always working, not to 100% but when i move a window or open a vídeo file it peaks. Also, after rebooting the pc, my keyboard died. I have tryed EVERYTHING, from drivers to try another pc... Same result, unknown device. It was working and nothing happened, just rebooted pc. Now i have installed the drivers that where missing but the thing still doesnt work and the stuttering keeps there. I alzó tryed reinstslling win7 on my old hdd, same result. Even unpluged GPU just to make sure it wssnt that, but didnt made a difference. I hace checked temperatures , drivers, ahci, tryed Ultra DMA 6, changing from 1 to 4 cpu's on msconfig... Everything, but cant get rid of the stuttering and CPU peaking. Please help!!!!