I was reinstalling Windows 7 and when I was doing that I formatted two separate partitions on a Disk C. The big one was the regular one that I always format when doing that and the seond one is the reserved space system partition (or some other name similar to that, the one that is 100MB or something like that) and this is now showing in my PC as disk D. So there is Disk C and the Windows is installed on that, Disk D, which should not be there, Disk E, which is a DVD-drive, and what should be showing as Disk D originally is missing. I can see this disk under Computer -> Properties -> Device Manager and I can also see it after clicking on Computer -> Manage -> Storage Management.
The last location seems like the place where I should be fixing thing, but I am not sure. I have very important info on that invisible hard drive and there is no option that this data can be lost (a year and a half of full day / full weeks work would go to waste). Can you tell me what would be the correct way of getting out of this.
I need to:
1) Remove the current Disk D and make sure this is set up as the "reserved system space" or something like that.
2) Make that invisible disk show up as the Disk D on my PC
The last location seems like the place where I should be fixing thing, but I am not sure. I have very important info on that invisible hard drive and there is no option that this data can be lost (a year and a half of full day / full weeks work would go to waste). Can you tell me what would be the correct way of getting out of this.
I need to:
1) Remove the current Disk D and make sure this is set up as the "reserved system space" or something like that.
2) Make that invisible disk show up as the Disk D on my PC