Impact ColorFax Lite - need help with a Com port



Loonie said:
On 21/11/2011 18:01, Paul wrote:
Loonie wrote:
On 20/11/2011 23:28, Stan Brown wrote:
On Sun, 20 Nov 2011 21:49:41 +0000, Loonie wrote:

On 20/11/2011 03:58, Paul wrote:

You can use the program "Handle" for debugging serial ports.

I had never heard of Handle until now. I installed it but it seemed to
flash up and then disappear. Will try some more soon.

Did you read the documentation at the link Paul gave? You have to
run it on the command line.

The same page also says "You can also get a GUI-based version of this
program, Process Explorer[1], here at Sysinternals." I've used
Process Explorer before, but I don't know whether it reveals COM
ports. (If it does, then the help file doesn't explain how to view
that information.)


Thank you Stan.

Yesterday I downloaded Sysinternals but I have not tried it yet

I always keep the Command prompt on my desktop. I did read Paul's
article but I found using the word Handle did nothing at the Cmd prompt.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

'handle' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Today I tried:

C:\Users\jvalh>handle windows\system

'handle' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Next I tried: handle -p exp

'handle' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

The above came from>

The problems might come from the fact that my Win 7 is the Home
Premium version.

It's got nothing to do with that.

Command prompt is a "shell", and a shell has things called environment
variables. Environment variables contain "preferences" for the shell
while it's running.

When you type a command, such as

C:> handle

the shell consults a variable called the "path". This is my "path"
variable right now. (I've shortened this a bit for educational purposes.
I've also added space characters, to delimit the chunks. When you
run program installers, such as Xilinx in this example, the installer
can add things to the path, as well as the user adding things.)

%XILINX%\bin\nt; %SystemRoot%\system32; %SystemRoot%;

Now, each of those chunks is a directory specification. And what I'm
telling the OS with that, is "there are four directories you can
search for that HANDLE program of mine".

Well, guess what, handle isn't stored in there. It's in none
of those directories, so it cannot be found.

What the OS will do though, is search the current working directory.
If I "change directories" with the cd command, I get to control
the current working directory. Say, for example, I unzip the HANDLE
program, into its own directory called handle. Then, what I'd do is:

C:> cd \ # This returns you to top level of C:
C:> cd downloads # Going one level deeper
C:\Downloads> cd handle # Going one level deeper
C:\Downloads\Handle> handle.exe # Now it works, because handle.exe is
# within the current working directory.

So the path search, includes the four chunks in my example,
but also includes the current working directory as a place to

Alternately, I can type an "absolute path" to it.

C:> C:\Downloads\Handle\handle.exe

and by specifying an absolute path, the shell doesn't need to guess
at the location by searching all the chunks in the path variable.
I've told the shell, exactly where it's stored.

If you edit the path variable, it's possible to add elements to the
path. But if you're downloading executables all over the place, that
idea rapidly loses its charm.

If the program happens to be in a directory with a "space" in the
name, then quote characters can be used to protect the parsing
of the directory path. For example, the "Program Files" directory
has a space in the name, so any executable below that, will
need some double quotes for insulation. You can use the
double quotes, whether the path has a space character in it or not.
Now my command is well insulated.

C:> "C:\Downloads\Handle\handle.exe" -a> C:\Downloads\handle_out.txt

will put a list of handles into C:\Downloads\handle_out.txt as the
output file. That particular command syntax, of providing absolute
paths for both the executable and for the output from the command,
means the command is pretty well isolated from all "shell-isms".
If you specify everything in gory details, then the command
can't fail.


Thanks again Paul.

In the following, I suspect your will think our two computers will be
talking like a Chinese and an Arab.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\jvalh>C:> cd \ # This returns you to top level of C:
First Try:
C:\Users\jvalh>C:> cd downloads # Going one level deeper

C:\Users\jvalh>C:\Downloads> cd handle # Going one level deeper
'C:\Downloads' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
-Did not work

Alternately, I can type an "absolute path" to it.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\jvalh>C:> cd \ # This returns you to top level of C:

C:\Users\jvalh>C:> cd downloads # Going one level deeper

C:\Users\jvalh>C:\Downloads> cd handle # Going one level deeper
'C:\Downloads' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

The system cannot find the path specified.

This is beyond me Paul.
And if I take your entire post, and paste that into a command
prompt window, I'm baffled by the results as well :)

It's good to see my effort to explain it, wasn't wasted.

Perhaps the "#" character, was indicating the start of a comment.

What happened was that Loonie was typing the prompt (which was showing
in the sample code) as a command :)

Loonie: the commands are what is *after* the prompt, that is after the
"C:>" or the">C:\Downloads>" and other things that look like that. The
prompt is displayed by the command processor to show the user which
directory is current.

I was only trying bits and pieces of Paul's work but it didn't help me

On the brighter side, I finally have ColorFax accepting the modem on Com
4. My first success in the past week :) It can now detect fax tones.

Next big problem is to have the incoming faxes stored somewhere,
assuming I can get such a fax.


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Thank you all very much for your help. I have finally managed to get
the Com Port changed and I was able to send a fax to USA directly from
the ColorFax.

Interesting also is the info that this ColorFax program can be running
on my computer and, supposedly, it should accept incoming faxes. We'll
see that soon.

My Best to All :)

Loonie, that's me ;-)

Gene E. Bloch

I was only trying bits and pieces of Paul's work but it didn't help me
Reading *and understanding* what I wrote above might have helped when
you tried to send commands to the modem.

But since according to another post of yours you have solved the COM
port problem, you can deal with the command prompt thing above at your
leisure, now that the pressure is off :)


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Thank you all very much for your help. I have finally managed to get the
Com Port changed and I was able to send a fax to USA directly from the

Interesting also is the info that this ColorFax program can be running
on my computer and, supposedly, it should accept incoming faxes. We'll
see that soon.

My Best to All :)

Loonie, that's me ;-)
First, I managed to switch the Modem from Com 3 to Com 4 and it worked
with ColorFax.

It seems that I have to unplug and re-plug the USB modem every time I
want to send a fax. ColorFax can't send a fax without this action.

Now I am beginning to wonder what the role of the NetWaiting program is.
Maybe it is blocking incoming faxes. Any telephone experts in sight?

ColorFax is supposed to catch incoming faxes but how would NetWaiting
work with that?


Bob I

First, I managed to switch the Modem from Com 3 to Com 4 and it worked
with ColorFax.

It seems that I have to unplug and re-plug the USB modem every time I
want to send a fax. ColorFax can't send a fax without this action.

Now I am beginning to wonder what the role of the NetWaiting program is.
Maybe it is blocking incoming faxes. Any telephone experts in sight?

ColorFax is supposed to catch incoming faxes but how would NetWaiting
work with that?

Is this the software?


Hello Bob I.

I thought I was all alone. Thanks for coming :)
Is this the software?
It sure is and I am not satisfied with it. They would not even remotely
discuss how to raise the Com port in the modem. I paid them for a copy
of ColorFax and they sent me the invoice, etc but they will not tell me
why they haven't removed the message that still pops up every time I
start the program, giving me the choice of a purchase or Continue.

Gene E. Bloch

Hello Bob I.

I thought I was all alone. Thanks for coming :)

It sure is and I am not satisfied with it. They would not even remotely
discuss how to raise the Com port in the modem. I paid them for a copy
of ColorFax and they sent me the invoice, etc but they will not tell me
why they haven't removed the message that still pops up every time I
start the program, giving me the choice of a purchase or Continue.
Search for free fax software, uninstall the ColorFax, and start over.

That reads like a command, but I don't mean it that way, I'm just being
sardonic to present my opinion that ColorFax doesn't sound like a great

Bob I

Hello Bob I.

I thought I was all alone. Thanks for coming :)
Actually you are alone, I don't use it, this is merely a puzzle.
It sure is and I am not satisfied with it. They would not even remotely
discuss how to raise the Com port in the modem. I paid them for a copy
of ColorFax and they sent me the invoice, etc but they will not tell me
why they haven't removed the message that still pops up every time I
start the program, giving me the choice of a purchase or Continue.
Sounds like a "low effort" support system. You may want to review the
"online manual" and read the "Opening a Fax modem" entry as well as the
"Advanced" entry it contains.


Actually you are alone, I don't use it, this is merely a puzzle.

Sounds like a "low effort" support system. You may want to review the
"online manual" and read the "Opening a Fax modem" entry as well as the
"Advanced" entry it contains.
I have succeeded in getting a couple of ColorFax faxes sent but
receiving them is the problem. There is very little information
available for receiving the faxes. NetWaiting is in place every time I
boot my computer and it just picks up the phone for incoming calls. I am
looking for something to receive and store incoming faxes.


Search for free fax software, uninstall the ColorFax, and start over.

That reads like a command, but I don't mean it that way, I'm just being
sardonic to present my opinion that ColorFax doesn't sound like a great
I have seen many bogus offers for faxing and in most cases you get stung
after the installation.

You tell me which are the "Real Free" reasonable-quality programs.

I am looking for a fax that can receive and store the faxes on my
computer. I have paid for that ColorFax and then found no support.


I have succeeded in getting a couple of ColorFax faxes sent but
receiving them is the problem. There is very little information
available for receiving the faxes. NetWaiting is in place every time I
boot my computer and it just picks up the phone for incoming calls. I am
looking for something to receive and store incoming faxes.
Since NetWaiting was only picking up incoming calls, I dumped it. I am
looking for a program to receive and store incoming faxes.


Search for free fax software, uninstall the ColorFax, and start over.

That reads like a command, but I don't mean it that way, I'm just being
sardonic to present my opinion that ColorFax doesn't sound like a great
I believe free fax software is very scarce, especially for Win 7. I
found the following link after a search:,cf.osb&fp=2c20a1ddab123170&biw=1188&bih=897

I spent more than an hour going through that and there is extremely
little, if any, "free fax software." About 99% is for sale.

Where is the real "free fax software" for Win 7?

Chris S.

Loonie said:
I believe free fax software is very scarce, especially for Win 7. I found
the following link after a search:,cf.osb&fp=2c20a1ddab123170&biw=1188&bih=897

I spent more than an hour going through that and there is extremely
little, if any, "free fax software." About 99% is for sale.

Where is the real "free fax software" for Win 7?
"Windows Fax and Scan" is native in my Win7 Ultimate x64. It's installed,
but I have never tried it.


Gene E. Bloch

You tell me which are the "Real Free" reasonable-quality programs.
I have no idea - I have no trouble[1] sending my two or three faxes per
year via my printer, so I have done no research for me or for you.

It *is* your problem, not mine :)

[1] Not quite correct. At that frequency, I forget how to do it every
time, so I usually have to look at the manual :)

Bob I

I have seen many bogus offers for faxing and in most cases you get stung
after the installation.

You tell me which are the "Real Free" reasonable-quality programs.

I am looking for a fax that can receive and store the faxes on my
computer. I have paid for that ColorFax and then found no support.
Open Windows Help and Support, plug in "fax and scan" without quotes and
then select and read the information provided for setup and use.


Hello Experts,

Having been paid for this questionable fax program, they now want a
registration to get rid of the Purchase of Continue. The form below is
the one that needs to be filled for REGISTRATION. webhelp/WebHelp/How_to_License_the_Impact_ColorFax.htm

I tried several times to fill out the form with the serial number but it
does not take it.

If anyone can figure out how to add the serial number, I would
appreciate it. I have already sent an image of the form with their
serial number in it. No response yet from and very likely
there will be none, unless you dear readers can kick the right buttons :)



Loonie said:
Hello Experts,

Having been paid for this questionable fax program, they now want a
registration to get rid of the Purchase of Continue. The form below is
the one that needs to be filled for REGISTRATION. webhelp/WebHelp/How_to_License_the_Impact_ColorFax.htm

I tried several times to fill out the form with the serial number but it
does not take it.

If anyone can figure out how to add the serial number, I would
appreciate it. I have already sent an image of the form with their
serial number in it. No response yet from and very likely
there will be none, unless you dear readers can kick the right buttons :)

Is the program, able to reach their web site ?

That web page says the when you fill the dialog boxes,
the program communicates with the blackice site, to verify
the license number is good.

If it was me, I'd use my copy of Wireshark packet sniffer,
to make sure packets are going to their site, and an answer
is coming back. If you had Zonealarm, and disabled it's network
access, then that dialog would likely pop up over and over



Thanks once more Paul :)
Is the program, able to reach their web site ?
All I know is that it does not bounce back to me.
This is the wierdest company I have ever dealt with.
That web page says the when you fill the dialog boxes,
the program communicates with the blackice site, to verify
the license number is good.
That's what it says but I have tried several times to fill out that form
- nothing was ever accepted. I also have sent then several emails
without any response.
If it was me, I'd use my copy of Wireshark packet sniffer,
to make sure packets are going to their site, and an answer
is coming back. If you had Zonealarm, and disabled it's network
access, then that dialog would likely pop up over and over
I had a Zonealarm years ago as a filter. I'll check it out again soon.
I have downloaded Wireshark and thanks for the introduction.
Thanks again.

Char Jackson

Hello Experts,

Having been paid for this questionable fax program, they now want a
registration to get rid of the Purchase of Continue. The form below is
the one that needs to be filled for REGISTRATION. webhelp/WebHelp/How_to_License_the_Impact_ColorFax.htm

I tried several times to fill out the form with the serial number but it
does not take it.
I think I've discovered the problem. The link you provided above is
NOT a form that you're expected to fill out. It's simply a web page
that contains some images and text.

You need to take steps in your fax program to get the actual input
dialog to pop up on your screen. It will look like the image at the
web site you linked above, but it will be an actual input entry form
rather than a static image. Enter your serial number, wait for their
server to validate your entry, and you're done.

No wonder it won't take your serial number. You're trying to 'type'
onto an image. That will never work.


I think I've discovered the problem. The link you provided above is
NOT a form that you're expected to fill out. It's simply a web page
that contains some images and text.

You need to take steps in your fax program to get the actual input
dialog to pop up on your screen. It will look like the image at the
web site you linked above, but it will be an actual input entry form
rather than a static image. Enter your serial number, wait for their
server to validate your entry, and you're done.

No wonder it won't take your serial number. You're trying to 'type'
onto an image. That will never work.

What was presented to me was an image and I was being invited to input
my numbers. I made copies of the data to paste in but it did not paste.
As I have mentioned earlier, I made an image of the form, then pasted my
numbers and sent it. I had no reply.

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