Freeware List - Split Thread

Nov 16, 2010
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I think things would go down better if we would ALL try and help each other out with things like this, what i mean is intead all this criticism we should be giving advice and explaining how we would all like things to be displayed and explaining about what not to take from other sites, as bladerunner did say from the begining what was his and what was not.

i have had criticism myself over certains things about people saying things are pointless and so on. myself in particular is new to forums and guidance and assistance/Help and praising for their efforts is what we all need, we should all pull together as a close forum community helping each orther out as and when required.

just feel there is a lot of bickering going on when we should thinking of ways to make the forum more attractive to folk that visit ie rescourses at hand but obviously staying within the guidelines.

maybe we need to boost the moral on the forum in someway,

lets stick together and help each other and keep trying to build the forum! :D
That's it!
It's hard for me to really express myself! My english is very "rusty"...
But i've explained my intenctions about this lists!
Here, in Europe foruns, no one talked about spam, or so i really don't understand all this problems here.
I know that some links are not updated... but i'll be updating them when having time to do it.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Just to be clear, I never said your list was spam; if it was then I or another mod would have deleted it. Some people enjoy trying out different software and may find your list of interest; others may not see the point.

Whether you realize it or not, as Digerati pointed out, there was a reference under Anti-spyware to a diet item which would be spam and it surely wouldn't be anti-spyware, so I removed it. It is still on your other forum's post; check it for yourself.

I have no problems with you offering lists which might be helpful but it's important to protect the site by listing the source where applicable and, as is a problem with such a huge list, please do your best to provide working links, at least at the time of posting.

The forum does actually have a freeware thread and a suggestion thread but for the most part we encourage the recommendations there to be of software you actually use or have tried. And the items that make it to the actual freeware thread come highly recommended as safe and extremely useful products.

Thank you for your posts and welcome to the forum.


Post Quinquagenarian
Microsoft MVP
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
never said your list was spam
No, but I did! And I stick to it!

Again, if you click on a link, any link, and watch your address bar, you will see you are first directed to which is a site used to give credit, and in turn money, through an affiliation system. While BladeRunner my not have intended for someone to profit off this, or may not have even been aware of the affiliation system, the fact remains it is there, using us for profit.

So I say again, these lists in various threads BladeRunner has created need to be removed - now!

Fire cat

Established Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I agree. Wether he's the original creator or not, all these threads must be closed / deleted.

And the fact that he posted the same list on an other forum makes me think that this is in his profit. Why else would we then post hundreds of links on multiple forums that make money wen clicked on?

Wether on purpose
Or not, this thread must be closed
To keep this place clean.
Last edited:


Post Quinquagenarian
Microsoft MVP
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
Closed will not remove the affiliated links. The lists must be deleted.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Your concerns have been noted and the issue has been opened up among the moderators/Ian. There is an icon for submitting problems with particular posts and it would be more suited for complaints to delete/close threads and ban users rather than in open forum. Please take all further moderator suggestions there.

And just to be clear. I never said he is posting this everywhere, I found where he posted the list on a couple forums 2 years ago. People are allowed to belong to more than one forum. Some people stretch the truth to try and fit in right away. Others try hard to contribute immediately with things they are passionate about. Some people enjoy trying new software as much as Cat enjoys installing various OSes and this may be the case for the OP.


Oct 17, 2008
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Again, if you click on a link, any link, and watch your address bar, you will see you are first directed to which is a site used to give credit, and in turn money, through an affiliation system. While BladeRunner my not have intended for someone to profit off this, or may not have even been aware of the affiliation system, the fact remains it is there, using us for profit.
I can clear up the VigLink mystery, as I was contacted by them a few days ago to try out their new advertising system. It affiliates potential outbound links, so that's not the fault of the BladeRunner - he wouldn't have known about it. VigLink hasn't done anything so far, so I'm considering removing it anyway :). Sorry for the confusion - I can understand your initial suspicion, I'd have been the same!

As long as the lists are maintained and attributed, then there's no harm in them - I don't doubt BladeRunner was being sincere, although my "spam radar" was going off at first too.

Let's give the thread a chance and see how it turns out :). Once people have had a chance to discuss this, I'll split the discussion posts off to a new thread in the feedback forum so that it doesn't detract from the OP.


Post Quinquagenarian
Microsoft MVP
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for clearing that up and my apologies to BR. I hope you can understand why I was concerned.
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