Easy Migrate Use

Aug 26, 2011
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I'll be using Easy Migrate via a home network to get all my music, pics, etc. off my old HDD (XP x86) and I was wondering if there were any tips or tricks to know about the process. I read the tutorial about it and it seems pretty straightforward, but I was just wondering if there was anything extra to know about it before I start. Thanks!


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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If all your data files are stored in libraries (My Pictures, My Videos, My Music, Downloads) then it will get them automatically, however if you have any folders that you created yourself like C:\savegames then be sure to hit the advanced option and select the extra data folders you wish to bring along.

Windows Easy Transfer only gets your user settings and data so you will need your programs and any respective product keys to install. It's also a good idea to download the W7 drivers for your specific computer and chosen bit-size (32-bit drivers are usually different from 64-bit).

And before you actually go to W7 it is a good idea to turn on all your hardware and run the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor on your current system to see if you will have any known hardware or software issues.
Aug 26, 2011
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Okay, that's pretty much what I gathered so far. I'm only going to migrate pics and music, etc. and reinstall programs from scratch, so no problem there. I've already ran the compatibility check on my old machine, and no problems there either, so it looks like I'm good to go! Thanks!

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