Deleted windows files cant boot

Aug 27, 2011
Reaction score
Hi, i got a new pc and i installed windows 7 64 bit. I have a 60 gig sst drive and a 500gig sata drive. I partitioned the 500 gig into 250x2. The sst drive had 100mb with files on it i accidently deleted them.

When i try and boot pc it goes through boot sequence and then stops at "loading operating system". When i reboot with windows 7 disk in cd drive i have to press to press F2 to get into boot options i select boot from cd and it gets to windows set up menu i go through the setup again until the first re-boot and i am back at "Loading Operating system" Any help appreciated.



Elmer BeFuddled

Resident eejit
Jun 12, 2010
Reaction score
Hi steffmak and Welcome to The Forum,

General consensus I've seen on various forums is that the Startup Repair needs to be run 3 times.

Also your System Partition (C:\ ?) needs to be marked as the "Active" partition.
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