Cloud: The word has just been uttered in the Acronis thread. I wonder what
others think? I'll kick off with my opinion.
Would you trust your data and your programs with another unknown person? Who
can say with certainty that it won't be snooped into, misused or modified
(subtly or otherwise) or that you will suddenly have to pay any chosen
amount (by that body) to get back your own information? And who can say
that they trust *any* goverment in the World to act at all times with
honesty and integrity or that any government in the World can never be
accused of extreme self-serving activity or suppressing information abouts
its wrong-doings (or anything else that happens to embarrass it) or of
putting pressure on private companies to do its bidding.
Sure, by using the Cloud you transfer the need for processing power and for
updating software. But with the cost of processing power ludicrously low who
cares if in the end you are going to pay more.
Over to you. I have been lurking here for a while (and occasionally posting)
I am struck by the lack of foul language and nastiness, and the standard of
reasonable debate.
others think? I'll kick off with my opinion.
Would you trust your data and your programs with another unknown person? Who
can say with certainty that it won't be snooped into, misused or modified
(subtly or otherwise) or that you will suddenly have to pay any chosen
amount (by that body) to get back your own information? And who can say
that they trust *any* goverment in the World to act at all times with
honesty and integrity or that any government in the World can never be
accused of extreme self-serving activity or suppressing information abouts
its wrong-doings (or anything else that happens to embarrass it) or of
putting pressure on private companies to do its bidding.
Sure, by using the Cloud you transfer the need for processing power and for
updating software. But with the cost of processing power ludicrously low who
cares if in the end you are going to pay more.
Over to you. I have been lurking here for a while (and occasionally posting)
I am struck by the lack of foul language and nastiness, and the standard of
reasonable debate.