Hello Yvonne,
Please try these steps to resolve your issue:
Start Outlook Express.
Select Tools | Accounts... from the menu.
Go to the Mail tab.
Highlight the desired email account.
Click Export....
Now click Save to export the settings to a .iaf file named after the account in your My Documents folder.
Choose a network drive or portable medium to transfer settings from one computer to another.
Close Outlook Express.
Open Windows Live Mail.
Select Tools | Accounts... from the menu.
You may have to hold down the Alt key to see the menu bar.
In Windows Live Mail 2012, select File | Options | Email accounts….
Click Import....
Highlight the .iaf file you just saved in Outlook Express.
Click Open.
Click Close.
Now select File | Import | Messages... from the menu.
Make sure Microsoft Outlook Express 6 is selected.
Click Next >.
Click Next > again.
To import mail from another computer, copy the Outlook Express mail files to the machine that has Windows Live Mail first.
Choose specific folders to import under Select folders: or leave All folders selected to import all Outlook Express mail.
Click Next >.
Now click Finish.
You fill find the imported messages or folders under Storage folders in the Windows Live Mail folder list.